Tuesday, September 30, 2008

HEROES Recap 2: One of US and One of THEM

Another Blog............. I think I am going to start doing 2, cause once I write 1, I come back and recap t again.... LOL......

This week was more focused than the premiere and focused on some core players with a side of Tracy Strauss. It opened on Angela Petrelli and Sylar exactly where we left them and Angela came bearing gifts for her baby boy. I knew that Mrs. Petrelli had a dark side but was this a little over the top for her? Noah shows back up at the company and it’s partner time for him and Sylar. Nothing like tracking down villains with a murderous guy who knows how to find the root of powers and take them for his own, eh?

Peter Petrelli was still locked inside Jesse’s body. This week, Peter was whiny again which is always a big disappointment for me. Even Future Peter was getting sick of Present Peter’s whining. Thanks to Future Peter, though, Present Peter is finally free from the confines of Jesse. Present Peter is going to get a glimpse into Future Peter’s life which may help stop the whine fest. I hope.

With just a flick of the wrist by Sylar, it’s curtains for Francis Capra. I’m very disappointed that his time on the show was reduced to a Quantum Leap type reflection. I was hoping that he would have a bit more to do than play host to Peter until Sylar killed him. Hopefully he will get a recurring gig on a show soon.

Reaching Berlin, Hiro and Ando are back to tracking Daphne, the speedster. Shortly after they arrive both Daphne and Hiro quickly become powerless because lo and behold, the Haitian is there. Although Hiro has the other half of the formula well within his grasp, the Road Runner to his Wile E. Coyote makes off with it so somewhere in the world, someone will have both halves very soon. This could only mean bad news.

Claire gets some biological mommy time when she asks to learn how to fight. We find out that she doesn’t want to help people, she just wants to punish Sylar for what he did. Speaking of what he did, how can a girl that feels no pain feel suffocation?

Matt Parkman is learning more from his spirit walk with the Isaac Mendez like painter from Africa. If Future Peter had never come back and shot Nathan, Parkman was going to get his happily ever after. Of course, his future changed like everyone else’s. From the painting, where do you think Matt will end up?

I don’t know if Tracy Strauss is the real Jessica, the one that died (or supposedly died) anymore. After she found out that she really is an ice queen, she wanted to track Niki down but Niki really did go down in flames in New Orleans. She did run into Micah at the funeral home who dug up some information on her. Turns out she and Niki were born on the same day in the same hospital to the same doctor. Coincidence? Tracy certainly doesn’t think so and tracks him down. Do you think that Tracy and Niki were genetic experiments or something else?

Next week’s show looks very interesting. I cannot wait to see what happens next

Heroes Rundown Chapter Three: "One of Us, One of Them"

"What kind of person are we? Does the hero, or the villain inside us, win the day?"

Ah, yes. The hero/villain question at the heart of Volume Three of Heroes. In this week's episode we get more of the scoop on who Tracey is (or rather, who she's not), Angela Petrelli insists that Sylar has simply been "misunderstood," and the pairing up of HRG and his new partner turns out to be surprisingly awesome. And then there are the Claire, Parkman, Hiro and Peter storylines, so to chat about it read more.

Angela Petrelli gets all maternal on Sylar, telling him she never should have given him up for adoption, and now she's going to take good care of him. She pairs Sylar up with HRG, saying that Sylar has has just been misunderstood and needs structure. HRG: "So your solution is to send the psychopath after the psychopaths."

The escaped Level Five guys go into a bank and raise hell. One of them formulates a plan to lure HRG to the bank and take his revenge on him.
Uh-oh — Mom showdown. (Also, I love it when hero and non-hero life life collide: "Um, we don't smoke in the house"). Claire says she was hoping her mother would teach her how to fight so she won't be the victim all the time. Her mother tells her, "There are some things you can't fight, Claire." She then tortures her daughter into telling her the truth about why she wants to get bad guys. Claire screams, "To hurt him, okay? To hurt him like he hurt me!"

I like how the African guy, Usutu, makes Parkman's name sound a little like "Pac-Man." "It's your spirit walk, Pac-Man, not mine." Usutu paints images of Parkman (Parkman and Molly, Parkman getting thrown out the window by Jessica, etc.), just like Isaac Mendez used to paint scenes of the future. But then there is a painting of Parkman with a woman and a baby, which Usutu says isn't the future anymore. "The future changed."

Sylar wants to know if Angela is really his mother; it seems like Angela's really getting to him. I like it when Sylar feels stuff. He says he thinks HRG is right, he's just a killer. Angela: "No, it's not your fault, it's your ability, there's a hunger that you cannot control, it's made you that way. But we're going to fix that." Later, HRG says to Sylar, "You do realize she's playing us, right? This is all one big game to her."

Hiro, Ando and Daphne all end up at the movie theater where the Haitian is getting back the half of the formula for Angela Petrelli ("Given recent events, Mrs. Petrelli thinks it wise to keep her half closer to home"). Daphne tries to drive a little wedge between Hiro and Ando, which Hiro immediately recognizes: "Don't listen to her, Ando. She's trying to divide us. It's villainy 101."

Ha! I really enjoyed watching Sylar cop an accent and take charge of the hostage situation with the cops. I don't just love to hate him in this episode, I really like him.

In New Orleans, Tracey sees Niki (who looks just like her) lying in a coffin. She meets Micah (poor Micah!) who looks up Tracey's old records, which have some key similarities to Niki's. They get a name: Dr. Zimmerman. When Tracey visits Dr. Zimmerman she asks, "Do you know me?" Dr. Zimmerman: "Know you? I created you."

The campy piano music of the Chaplin movie is perfect for Hiro and Ando's bumbling mission to get the briefcase from the Haitian, which Daphne promptly swipes.

Peter gets out of Jesse's body and disappears into the future. Meanwhile, the real Jesse is back in his own body and he advances on HRG, only to be stopped by Sylar. HRG yells at Sylar, saying that he told Sylar to stay put. Sylar: "You told me that to make sure I wouldn't, didn't you?" Sylar then traps Jesse in the bank and slices open his forehead, telling HRG he can't fight it. "It's the hunger."

Claire's mom: "You gotta learn to save yourself before you can save the world." But Claire is still intent on getting the bad guys, and drives off with a Primatech box.

Parkman sees a painting of him carrying the woman who was holding the baby in the earlier painting, and he asks if he can stop this future scene. Usutu brings Parkman to his house (where a turtle climbs over the 9th Wonders comic book, ha). Parkman eats some stuff, then puts on Usutu's headphones and gets the milky white future-seeing eyes, like Isaac Mendez and like Usutu.

Nathan is sworn into office, which Tracey misses altogether. Later Nathan is seen reading the Bible (Genesis).

Hiro and Ando are now at Level 5! There, the Haitian asks HRG if he's being replaced (by Sylar). HRG: "Only for a while. Just until I find his weakness. And then I'm gonna kill him."

In the preview for next week's episode, Sylar is wearing an apron and kissing Mr. Muggles! This episode was fine and all, but I look forward to seeing that.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Heroes Rundown Chapter One: "The Second Coming"

Hey all... The show lastnight was so cool. I wrote another blog........
ChECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Am I alone in thinking this premiere was kickass? I feel like they upped the comedy factor and threw us some crazy new developments. It was thrilling and gruesome and surprising and funny. . . My faith in Heroes is fully restored. I'm not sure I needed both this episode and the one that came after it; I forgot how much they pack into each episode. After two of them my brain was starting to overload. So, here we can discuss the first of the two episodes, "The Second Coming," in which I think the best part was at the end (see: the end of this post after the jump). A post about "The Butterfly Effect" will follow this one.

After the jump you'll find spoilers, so now that you're warned, read more.

Because the two-hour premiere was so full of craziness, I'm trying to keep it all straight. Here is my attempt to identify some of the key points from this episode. . .

1. At first appearance, it seems that Peter Petrelli shot his brother, Nathan Petrelli. Later, however, we discover that Peter's body seems to have been taken over by someone else (or another force?), and that Peter himself is inhabiting the body of another man, trapped on Level Five (where HRG is still being kept!).

2. Peter transports Matt Parkman to the desert, where he wakes up with a scorpion on his face.

3. Nathan dies from the bullet wounds — but is then revived (and totally made me jump when he suddenly sat up in bed) by Linderman, who is. . . also not dead.

4. Joining the list of not-dead people is Niki — er, now called Tracy — who did not, in fact, die in a blazing building.

5. Hiro discovers (from a DVD he was not supposed to watch) that his deceased father (hooray, Kaito Nakamura!) designated Hiro to be the "sentinel of a dangerous secret." Hiro then finds the secret (in a safe he was not supposed to open), and it's half of a formula, on which, apparently, the fate of the world depends. Kaito explains that if this secret gets out, there's only one hope, "a chosen one among you who carries the purity of blood, the 'light' to safeguard against the darkness."

6. Hiro promptly loses this half-formula to a brand-new hero: a "speedster" who grabs the formula from Hiro and then punches him in the face. Dismayed, Hiro teleports to the future, where the city is in alarm mode as what appears to be the apocalypse descends. Future Hiro and future Ando are arguing about the formula when Ando electrifies Hiro! You guys, Ando gets a power (in a theoretical future unless Hiro stops him)!

7. The scenes with Claire and Sylar are, in my opinion, just the right combination of campy horror/thriller and comedy (not unlike a real horror movie). Claire walking backwards into the kitchen holding a knife? Come on! Anyway, Sylar finds a file folder of special people, "a whole shopping list of abilities," before he manages to carve off the top part of Claire's skull (OMG ew) to access her. . . special abilities lobe? I dunno.

8. Best line of the night goes to Sylar, in response to Claire's question about eating brains: "Eat your brain? Claire, that's disgusting." Sylar then imparts some intriguing information, "You're different, you're special, and I could never kill you, even if I wanted to. You can never die. . . And now, I guess, neither can I." Yipes!

9. Nathan has had a kind of spiritual awakening, now spouting things about God's message ("we are all connected"), and other platitudes like, "Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny," and "We could be angels, all here to do God's bidding." Finally, we have a new little mantra, evolving away from cheerleaders: "Save ourselves, save the world."

10. Linderman is only too eager to agree with Nathan, gently telling him, "It seems you and I are meant for great things, Nathan. Great things, indeed."

11. Mohinder helps Maya to take control of her powers, determining that the abilities "are produced by adrenaline." He then manages to isolate whatever this is into a serum that can actually give someone powers (this seemed remarkably easy, but I'm cool with that). Thus, Mohinder injects himself! Mohinder has powers! I love this new development. The person studying superheroes. . . becomes one of them. He's like the good alternative to Sylar, in some ways.

And then there's the ending when they set the words to William Butler Yeats's poem, "The Second Coming," to a montage of images wrapping up the episode: "Turning and turning in the widening gyre/ The falcon cannot hear the falconer;/ Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;/ Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. . .Surely some revelation is at hand;/ Surely the Second Coming is at hand./ The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out/ When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi/ Troubles my sight. . ."

I thought that was pretty freakin' cool.

Heroes Episode 1 and 2 Recap "The Second Coming" of the Butterfly Effect"

HEROES is back! I know for some of my readers this is the one show they’ve been waiting a long, long time to have back in their homes. It’s an exciting time for our Heroes and our Villains. And it’s exciting time for everyone.....

So here goes.....

When we last left our Heroes, Niki looks to have gone down in flames. Nathan had just been shot. Claire almost reached her goal of taking down the company only to be stopped at the last minute by her reanimated father. Sylar had killed the crying twin only to have her brought back to life in the final minutes. He did regain his powers in the process. (Foreshadowing the next installment: Villains) But the battle between Hiro/Adam/Peter was the one that was truly awesome. Hiro finally makes Peter come to his senses and so Peter incinerates the virus. Hiro then buries Adam alive in a Japanese cemetery plot.

Right away, the episode opens with badass Claire of the future. What did you think of the flash forward opening? Why did Peter have the post-bomb scar on his face again? And future Peter shooting Nathan? That was a strange turn of events. It makes sense though if Nathan’s press conference revealing the Heroes’ powers would put them all in danger. Zombie Nathan almost made me jump out of my chair. Holy cow! After some fun Hiro and Ando banter, Sylar and Claire meet up. Claire’s running away sequence was just like something from a bad scary movie but it certainly kept me on the edge of my seat. She pulls the classic move and hides in a closet. Good or bad? She did violate the Scream rules of scary movies that Randy (Jamie Kennedy) so clearly laid out.

Great jump to another hiding lady. This time, Maya. She almost clubs Mohinder with a cricket bat. Are you happy that the female half of the “super twins” is back? I’m hoping that they give her more to do than cry this season. Hiro is back and his father gave him the duty to protect a secret half of some sort of formula with his life. How’d you like the introduction of Friday Night Lights alum Brea Grant, stealing the formula and jamming super speed out of there? I thought it was about time that someone manifested Flash Gordon-like speed. Let’s just hope that Sylar doesn’t catch wind of her.

The scene between Parkman and Peter didn’t really keep my interest. Something is lacking when they are on screen together. They won’t be having a bromance anytime soon, that’s for sure. And what’s up with Nathan going all born again? “Save ourselves, save the world?” Seriously? Just a little over the top there. No criticism to religion here by any means, but Nathan didn’t seem to have many redeeming qualities before this near death experience.

What about Mohinder going all mad scientist with Maya’s genes? He really is getting jealous that he’s not part of the in crowd. Being a geneticist in a room full of awesome abilities must be kind of crappy. However, I wouldn’t want to play Russian roulette with a vial of Maya, for sure. Back to Claire and Sylar. Sylar flips through some files, one of which contains a picture that made me squeal. Francis Capra of Veronica Mars fame. Hooray for Weevil! And then, gross. Claire’s brain is exposed and Sylar is playing around in it. Did you guys like the scene where he puts the top of her skull back on like a hat? Yuck. Lead to the big reveal: Claire is immortal. Does this mean that Adam is immortal as well? My guess is yes. Alternating baddies makes for better TV.

Linderman and Niki back again? And Niki (as Tracy?) hanging out with the Governor of New York? Though it explains how Nathan became Zombie Nathan, it is still rather shocking to see Linderman standing again and sitting vigil at Nathan’s bedside, for sure.

Overall this episode kicked some serious booty. It was better than all of Season 2 and probably the first few of Season 1. We were able to catch up with all of the characters (save for the kiddies – Micah and Molly…Bob and Elle were missing too) in an engaging and exciting way. There were plenty of thrills and chills for the adrenaline junkies and the plot kept moving along. Just a few questions to leave you with:

What is up with the Hiro/Ando future battle? Did Mohinder become Jessica? Damn that was a super power! How did Niki live through the fire? Did you enjoy the reveal of Mrs. Petrelli’s dream ability? How will Sylar ever be brought down now that he has Claire’s super healing? What about Peter being trapped in Weevil…good use of Francis Capra or sort of a waste?

That’s all for Episode 1, “The Second Coming”. The next episode, “The Butterfly Effect” starts…now!

The Butterfly Effect wasn’t just an Ashton Kutcher film but also a theory that something as small as a butterfly flapping its wings can have a sequential effect, changing the course of everything in its path. When Peter came back to kill Nathan, The Butterfly Effect was set into motion, altering the future that he originally came from. Mama Petrelli saw a dark world in her dreams, one where sides were chosen and villains didn’t just come in two flavors.In the last episode, Hiro also saw a dark future, one where Ando had the ability to shoot red bolts out of his hands. It makes sense now that Mohinder has figured out a way to isolate the gene. Ando has always had some “hero envy” and would likely go for the injection. On the other hand, I think that Mohinder is off of his rocker for injecting himself with Maya DNA. The ability was pretty incredible to begin with, then it got weird with Mohinder jumping Maya, then it got weirder with Mohinder’s skin peeling off. Still a whole lot of gross in this episode.

Poor Claire. She was so troubled by her powers to begin with but now that she feels no pain, it’s got to be even harder. On that front, I feel sorry for Elle too. Having to see her father with his skull off and then being ejected from the company by Mama Petrelli? Harsh! Claire’s moment with Noah was touching and it was nice to see her real mom back from South America. Hopefully fire balls will be able to protect Claire and her family.

I was wrong before when I said that Niki is back. It seems to be an entirely different person named Tracy Strauss. Or is it? I’m so confused. Nathan looks to be heading to Washington all over again. However, will the nurse that saw him playing chess with Invisible Linderman leak that he might be a bit cuckoo for cocoa puffs?

Daphne the super speed girl was back and turns out that she’s a super thief. I’m curious as to who her boss is. Parkman met the guy who has been painting all of the exploding earths everywhere in Africa. Guess we have another Isaac Mendez on our hands. What do you think about the new characters? I wonder where the Haitian is. And Molly and Micah for that matter.

The showdown between Noah and Sylar showed off Sylar’s new ability nicely. Elle is lucky that she discharged and knocked Sylar out because she was about to be taken down. We got some more time with our friend Francis Capra but not enough. Give Weevil more screen time!

Of course, the end of the episode was where the good stuff was. Can you believe who will be calling Mrs. Petrelli “mama”? Wow, that is crazy! I’d have to say that this episode was not as good as the first but it was still extraordinarily good. I feel invigorated after watching it and will be waiting on the edge of my seat until the next one is out. Till next week all, have a great week!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Today is September 22, 2008. The new season aired tonight with a 2 hour season premiere. All I can say is............ FUCKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

I will have a updated recap tomorrow morning.


’Heroes’ Episode 11 Recap ’Powerless’ = Season 2

We open with Mohinder in Brooklyn, back at his apartment. Sylar welcomes him home, while Maya cooks breakfast for him. Maya tells Mohinder how excited she was to meet him. Maya tells Mohinder that she knows Sylar is a killer and spills to Mohinder that Sylar no longer has powers. Mohinder pulls a knife, Sylar pulls a gun, and Maya realizes that Sylar has been lying to her. At that point Maya brings on the black tears and Sylar implores her not to kill Molly and Mohinder, the only man who can help her. She controls herself and Mohinder agrees to take them to the lab. Zachary Quinto form Heroes.

Angela finally decides to tell Matt and Nathan what happened with the original parents. She admits that at first she followed Adam, but then she realized he wanted to kill everyone off. She tells them where the virus is, and that if they can't stop Adam they must shoot him, right through the head. Privately to Matt, she says if you can't stop Peter, you'll have to kill him too.

We're returned to Peter, Hiro and Adam in the Odessa Warehouse. Hiro tries to explain to Peter that Adam is a bad man, and Peter will not listen. He electrocutes Hiro and time unfreezes... Adam sees Hiro, tells Peter they were friends once. Peter tells Adam that they should go find the virus, but before Adam leaves Hiro, he takes his sword. What a butt hole.

We find Claire going through her father's old records. Sandra asks Claire what she thinks will happen if she reveals everything. Claire says she's beyond wondering what if.

Elle and Bob are arguing, Bob telling Elle what a horrible job she's done provoking Claire, and now she's going public. Bob benches her, no more field assignments. She's obviously distraught. She goes to Bennet and asks him what her father did to her. Bennet tells her there's not much incentive to share. When she mentions she could make him tell, he says, you could try. He tells her anyway that her dad gave her so much wattage she would pass out. They all wanted her to stop, but Bob wouldn't let them. He said his daughter was tough and could take it.

Bob comes in and tells Bennet that Claire's becoming a problem, and asks if there's hard evidence she can go forward with. Bennet doesn't respond and Bob tells him that now someone's got to go and quiet her. Nice.

Adam and Peter are storming Primatech, which is actually pretty cool, with a flick of his wrist, Peter takes down security guards while Adam helps incapacitate them with Hiro's sword. Once they reach the room where the virus is held, Peter asks Adam if he killed Hiro's father. Adam admits to it. Peter asks Adam how he thinks he could trust him. Adam, always manipulative and smart, tells Peter that this is the only way he can help Kaitlyn. Nice play, Adam. Peter's a sucker for anything in a skirt. He could be like, that sexy lady in the lab coat needs you, and Peter would do whatever he wanted. Man, Peter's sensitive side is a little much. Ugh.Maya tells Sylar that her brother was right, that he was taking advantage of her the entire time. He tells her that once Mohinder brings his powers back, he'll gladly take hers off her hands. Mohinder walks them in to Isaac's apartment where he proceeds to take Sylar's blood. Don't judge Mohinder, you're no better than Sylar.

While Elle is searching through her files, she notices that Mohinder is on surveillance, and that Sylar is there. She goes to stop Sylar, just to get her daddy's approval back. Awww, how sweet.

Nathan and Matt fly into Odessa only to meet Hiro. Matt asks how dangerous Peter is, and that Angela told him to kill Peter if he couldn't stop him. Nathan tells him that he'll be the one todeal with Peter if something happens. Hayden Panettiere from Heroes

Claire's packing up her things, getting ready to go public when West tries to stop her. He says that it's not wise, that they need their secrets. She disagrees, gives him his files, and tells him that now there's nothing to find out about. As upset as she is, she's about to get more, when her father appears to walk through the door. Hmmm, another doppelganger?

Molly and Maya sit together waiting for Mohinder to analyze Sylar's blood, while Maya tells her she wishes her brother were there with them. Molly tells her she can find people... Uh oh... She looks and doesn't find Alejandro, because he's not anywhere. Just as Mohinder tells Sylar that he has the same strain as Nikki, Maya accuses him of killing her brother. Greatly annoyed, Sylar turns around and shoots her in the neck. In typical Sylar fashion, he says 'Look what you made me do.' He then demands that Mohinder get him the antidote. He tells Mohinder to give it to Maya and if it works, then to him.

Jack Coleman from HeroesBennet tells his family what has happened; explaining that he's made a deal that will keep them safe, and that he must return to the company. With ballyhooing and crying aplenty, he leaves and gives Bob the signal that he's done it.

Peter finally opens the door to the vault containing the virus just as Hiro materializes to stop him. Peter knocks him out of the way and Adam tells him that he'll keep trying if he doesn't do anything about it. Peter begins to kill Hiro until Matt tells him not to, that he's on the wrong side. He and Peter begin mind battling and Peter tells Matt that it is Matt who is on the wrong side. Nathan steps out and says, 'What about me, Pete? Am I on the wrong side too?' Hiro regains consciousness and materializes in the vault. Hiro tells Kensei that he was once his friend, and Kensei agrees, but replies that Hiro was the one who taught him villainy. The virus is in Adam's hand. Nathan tells Peter that Adam tried to release the virus before; Peter tells Nathan that Adam saved Nathan's life. Nathan says that he used him to get to Peter. Adam explains to Hiro that washing the world's trouble all away is what God would do with a faulty society. Nathan elaborates and tells him that he's trying to manipulate Peter. He tells Peter that he believes in him, like the night in Kirby Plaza when he detonated and he also tells him that he loves him. Hiro tells Kensei that he is not God. Kensei says, that he has lived for 400 years, and he might live for 400 more. Hiro then replies to Kensei that he should have killed him a long time ago, and that he should kill him now, for his father.

Milo Ventimiglia from heroesNathan asks Peter, 'Do you really trust Adam'? Peter begins running for the vault just as Hiro puts his hand on Adam to pull him back in time. He drops the vial of the virus right as they disappear. And GASP we go to a commercial break.

Peter books it for the vault and stops the virus from falling in mid-air. Matt and Nathan come, asking whereMi Kensei and Hiro have gone. Peter is regretful that he was on the wrong side, and destroys the virus. Matt, Nathan and Peter try to figure out a way to expose the company as surveillance tapes their conversation.

Mohinder injects Maya and she recovers, spitting the bullet out in a very cool effect. Elle comes in and busts out with the lightening on Sylar, it takes several tries but she finally gets him.

We go to New Orleans where Monica is about to be burned down by the thugs who have Micah's dad's medal. With Micah's electronic amazingness, Nikki kicks some serious ass when they find the bad guys and once she frees Monica from the burning building, she gets stuck herself and is still in the building when it explodes. Poor Micah. How many freaking people are going to die this time?

Ando finds Hiro in his cubicle. Hiro tells him that Adam will never hurt anyone again. We pan to Adam, buried in a coffin, 6 feet under, yelling. Nice one, Hiro.

..Sylar has gotten away, and Elle is horrifically upset that her father will be angry. Mohinder tells her that his father should be proud, that she's saved all of their lives.

We cut to Nathan Petrelli's press conference, he tells America that he's seen ordinary people doing extraordinary things, and just as he's about to admit that he has the ability to fly, an unknown assassin pops him. As Matt and Peter are standing by him, Nathan dies in Peter's arms. (While Peter makes that weird mouth expression he uses for anger and sadness. Hot.)

We cut to Angela on the telephone. She says, 'I understand, it was necessary, you realize now that you've opened Pandora's box.' I can't believe this lame be-atch. Will somebody cap her already? Please? Ugh. With that conversation, we see End of Volume 2 on the screen.

As a special bonus, there's the beginning to Volume Three: Villains. Sylar shoots himself with the special miracle blood in an alley and regains his powers. His fitting words: 'I'm back,' set the scene for what will no doubt be an amazing next season.

Holy crap. As far as season finales go, this one was a doozie. I loved hearing more about how Micah does things, I loved the comeuppance of Adam and I completely adored the return of Sylar. I mourned Nathan and Nikki's (maybe) deaths, but Nathan was kind of boring this season and honestly, I love Nikki, but she's just way too teary all the time.

All I can say is that I can't wait for next season. So sound off 'Heroes' fans: What did you love/hate about the finale and the season in general?

’Heroes’ Episode 10 Recap: ’Truth and Consequences’ - Season 2

We open with Peter in post-apocalyptic NYC. Flyers flutter around him, as he watches his past self and Kaitlyn being taken away by the men in suits. All of a sudden he's back in Montreal. Adam and Peter start to talk about the Shanti virus. Adam wants to know what it's called. When Peter tells him, he hesitates and begins telling him the story of the Shanti virus, of how biochemists tried to manipulate the virus and now it's everywhere. Adam tells Peter that the original heroes created the Shanti virus and that the previously unidentified woman, Victoria was the key.

Bob goes to Claire's house to deliver Bennet's 'ashes' and wishes them well in his normal lame 'I don't mean it way.' Bob shows his true asshole side when he reprimands his daughter for making a mistake and ruining everything. He sets her with the task of watching Claire.

We turn to Bennet and his miraculous recovery. Mohinder is the one who has prompted this recovery, but when Bennet finds out that he took Claire's blood, he freaks out and tries to tell Mohinder what a sucker he's being. Not surprisingly Mohinder doesn't listen, mostly because he sucks and I want to punch him in the face, but really because he's practically brainwashed by the company and is set on saving lives. This is, of course after he shot Bennet in the face. Quite the change of heart lame-o. He even goes as far to tell Bennet that he brought the shooting on himself. Yeah, kidnapping his daughter, attacking him, that was totally on Bennet. What a d-bag Mohinder is. Seriously.

Back in New Orleans, Micah is trying to teach his cousins about comics. Nice! He's explaining why superheroes have to hide, because the bad people might find out where you live and attack you at home, and might even go after your family. Nikki's back and after her normal maternal lame banter, she informs Micah that she has a virus and that Dr. Suresh is doing all he can to help her get better. He tells her that DL's medal could make her feel better, but when he goes to look for it it's revealed that his cousin took his bag to sell the comics.Sylar is 'romancing' Maya, trying to get her to control her own power so that she can let Alejandro go to live a normal life. When she almost kills Sylar, she reels back in her power and saves her life.
Hiro and Ando are talking about how it was Kensei who killed Kaito Nakamura. They realize that Kensei could live forever. Uh-oh.

Adam and Peter are about to storm Victoria's house, and when Adam brandishes a gun, Peter refuses to go in guns blazing, he just wants to talk. When Victoria pulls a gun on him, Peter explains that in 24 hours the Shanti virus will be released and that a year from now 93% of the world's population will be dead. Victoria demands to know how he knows this. He tells her he's been there, she invites him inside. Guess Peter's got a new special friend. Ow-ow.

This is an image of Masi Oka from Heroes.Hiro and Ando are searching through files, hoping to find something that might help their cause. They discover a picture of Takezo Kensei and Kaito. They also discover an order to imprison Adam signed by Hiro's father. He travels in time to find out that Adam tried to release the virus on an unsuspecting public because human kind is too sick to continue. We see a younger Victoria who is not cool with the virus manufacturing, and she quits because Kaito won't destroy the strain.

Going back to present time, Peter is still talking to Victoria about the virus. He tells her that he must save Kaitlyn and she tells him the location of the virus. Cheesy. He then goes outside to tell Adam and Victoria follows them out, sees that Peter is with Adam and then shoots them both. Peter knocks her out before she can blow Adam's head off. And they go to put her in her house.

Maya is telling Alejandro the good news that she can now control her power. He tells her that Sylar is a killer, that he killed his own Mother. In tears, clear not black, she asks Sylar if this is true. Sylar tells her that his mother rejected his power and tried to kill him. In defending himself, he accidentally killed her. Maya falls for it hook, line and sinker. She then tells Alejandro that she no longer needs him, that she killed his wife on purpose. 'In my heart I wanted her dead.' Alejandro leaves, and she falls into Sylar's arms. Just like he planned. Sylar's getting a piece!

Adam and Peter are questioning Victoria. Victoria tells Peter what Adam did in 1977. Adam denies it and says he's trying to destroy the virus. She won't give it up so Peter reads her mind and finds it's in Texas. Adam lets her go so that she'd attack Peter and then he finishes her off. Adam writes the symbol in blood on Victoria's picture and tells her, 'If anyone survives I'll tell them it was all you.'

Zooming back to New Orleans, it's revealed that Micah's cousin did steal the bag with DL's medal in it. He then gets attacked and the bag was stolen. Micah attacks him and tells him that he hates him. He then implores Nikki that they be heroes and she refuses. Monica looks different though. I just believe she might get that medal back.

This is an image of Zachary Quinto from Heroes. Sylar is accosted by Alejandro in his hotel room, telling him that he won't take his sister away. Sylar tells him that he could have gone easy... Maya knocks on the door and confesses that Sylar was right about everything and that he has taught her more than he knows. They they make out, all the while with Alejandro's dead body right behind them. Except Maya doesn't know it's there, of course. Romantic.

Claire's searching through boxes of stuff for something when West comes up behind her asking if she's leaving tonight. She tells West that she's gone through a lot of pain in her life, but losing her father is the worst pain ever. She is determined to not hurt anymore and wants to call the Haitian to erase that she even had a father. West tells her that she doesn't want to do that, and she breaks down.

Monica comes to Micah's room and tells him that they're going to get DL's medal back as long as he stays back. She's dressed like a superhero, all ready to bust some stuff up.

Mohinder has found a way to cure Nikki, but he demands all virus research be stopped and all strains destroyed.
Monica and Micah go on their midnight run to recover the medal, and it's kind of cool but we discover that instead of controlling electrical things, Micah talks to them 'I told them to stay off for a while.' Monica shows off her superb skills by parkour-ing into the house, but then gets busted by the thugs who live in the house. Uh oh. They drag her into a van and take her off.

Claire stands by a beach, urn in hand ready to commit her father's ashes into the ocean. Why does she get to throw the ashes? She apologizes to her father as she scatters them. Sadly, there's no 'Big Lebowski' moment where all of the ashes go back into the family's faces. Claire's mom tells her to say goodbye to West when she spots Elle and goes to girl fight Elle. She threatens Elle and tells her that she's going to show the world what she can do, and once the public knows no one will be able to touch them. Um, ok.

Mohinder's in New Orleans looking for Nikki, and he receives a call from someone amazing. Sylar. He's convinced the babysitter to take the night off and is alone with Molly. He tells Mohinder that he's brought someone who needs his help, and that he'll see them soon.

Hiro comes back to tell Ando what Adam wants, to destroy the population of the world and promptly vanishes to stop Adam from releasing the strain.

Peter and Adam have broken into the Texas facility where the strain is kept. Hiro stops time and means to kill Adam. Peter refuses to let that happen. Lightening vs Sword and Hiro charges. To be continued.

Next week? Oy. Two heroes must fall. I'm thinking Nathan and maybe Elle? Mostly because I think 'Heroes fans don't like her. Or it could be Adam, since they only say that a villain, singular, will rise... Either way, I'm looking forward to it. Honestly, I kind of wish Peter would stop being such a sissy pants. He's in the middle of world intrigue and he's expecting some strange woman to give him the location of a highly dangerous virus just because he's in love with a girl named Kaitlyn? I'd shoot him in the head right there. Regardless, next week is d-day, the last 'Heroes' episode this season, or at least until the writer's strike demands are met. Come on guys, just give the geniuses what they want. If this strike has taught us anything, it's that those writers are totally worth it.

’Heroes’ Episode Nine Recap: ’Cautionary Tales’ - Season 2

The episode opens with Claire's family packing, all except for Claire. Claire goes off on her father, she exposes him for being a bad man, an abductor of heroes. Claire tells her family that Bennet abducted West when he was just 12, and when he saw her dad, she'd never seen anyone so scared in her entire life. She leaves for class, daring her dad to tie her up. He would have done it if Claire's mom hadn't interjected. The scene ends with Claire telling Bennet, tears in her eyes, 'I hate you.' Yeowza. Tell him what you really think, Claire.

We move next to Kaito Nakamura's funeral. Hiro sits with his sister and Ando, and then goes up to speak. Overcome with emotion, he leaves the podium. Ando follows him, and Hiro laments his father's death. 'It's all my fault'. He tells Ando that to eulogize him is to admit he's gone, and he's not ready to do so yet. He travels back in time a week to stop his father's death and overhears his father telling Angela Petrelli that they should be punished for the people they killed. Interesting.

Matt and Molly have returned to lovely family life, and while Molly suggests that she can help in solving the puzzle of where the heroes in the picture are, Matt just wants them to be a normal family again. However, when they embrace, it's revealed that Molly can now hear Matt's projected thoughts. He IS becoming like his dad, isn't he...

Mohinder's made it to Costa Verde, CA. He still has misgivings about killing Bennet to get Claire, so Bob teams him up with his new partner, Elle. Her sharpshooting will be required to take out Bennet. But that's not how Isaac's picture goes!

Claire and West see each other for the first time since he freaked out. West accusers her of being a spy. She tells him it's not true, and that she likes him for who he is. She also tells him that her family is leaving that night, but she's not going with them, because she wants to stay with him. He tells her he wishes he could believe her, but he doesn't. Ouch.

Matt's on the phone with the FBI trying to follow up on the Kaito Nakamura case when his superior reminds him that it's closed, that Angela Petrelli confessed. Matt goes on his normal rant about how she didn't do it, and blah, blah, blah. Bottom line, there's something more going on and super cop Matt's going to find it out. 'Let it go, you've real work to do.' Matt uses his father's mind powers on his boss and tells him to let Matt finish his work. Nice move, Matt. While his storyline is sort of boring on a whole, his using these powers to manipulate people makes me respect him a little more. Like force persuasion. Go Matt!

Claire's parents are talking, and Bennet admits that what Claire said about him was true, but he chalks it up to thinking that they were doing good in the company. She's repulsed and can't figure out why she even wants to stay with him when he shows her the pictures that Isaac painted. Including the one of him dead. He tells her that he really needs her now. She leaves to take his son to school. He calls Mohinder to locate West.
Mohinder convinces Bob and Elle to let them feed Bennet a false location, and not kill him. Nice. Fat lot of help that'll do.

Circling back to Hiro, thankfully in NYC. One week ago. Not in ancient Japan. Thankfully. He's still spying on Angela and Kaito's conversation. 'I sought redemption by helping Hiro fulfill his destiny to save the world, how did you help your son?' That's what earned Kaito a smack from Angela? Nice move, Takei. Hiro announces his presence and demands that his father and he return to Japan tonight because if they do not he will die. Kaito accepts his fate, and tells Hiro, 'We have the powers of gods. That does not mean we should play gods.' Hiro disagrees and takes him back in time to show Kaito that he once agreed with Hiro's opinion.
This is an image of the cast of Heroes.
Bennet can wait no longer and instead of waiting for a location from Mohinder, he sets off to Claire's school to find West. As soon as he's out of the door, he's picked up and abducted presumably by West. Sweet tactic, flying boy.West and Bennet go up into the air and West tells him that he wants answers. Not about his abduction, surprisingly, but about Claire's feelings for him. How romantic! Bennet tells him that Claire hid his existence from him, so he must mean a lot to her. He then tackles West and tells him that he's taking Claire and leaving that very night when he gets a call from Mohinder, telling him the fake place that West is located. It doesn't take a beat for Bennet to realize that he's being set up.

Hello, cheerleading practice. Claire gets called aside to talk to 'Mr. Bishop' from the state board of education. Who is Bob. Run, Claire, run! Bob calls her Ms. Bennet, and she freaks and runs. We cut to Elle and Mohinder in the stakeout van. Mohinder demands that he talk to Bennet first to avoid a violent confrontation.

As soon as Bennet pulls up, Mohinder jumps into his car and asks him to give up Claire. Bennet wants to know if they're forcing him to do this, and Mohinder says, no one is forcing me to do anything. 'We need her blood.' Mohinder says. Bennet goes with a really great retort. 'Are you kidding me?' Mohinder follows with 'She'll be returned safe, unharmed...' I don't think that's going to convince Bennet. Mohinder gives him his word. Bennet tells him his word isn't what it used to be and that what the company is doing to Mohinder is exactly what they did to him 10 years ago. To sum up the conversation, it's evident that Mohinder is crazy and now so much a part of the company that I want to smack him even worse that normal. And that's an awful lot. Mohinder pulls a gun on Bennet and tells him to start driving. Please.

Claire rushes home to find her father when her mother reveals the paintings to her and Bob walks in brandishing a gun. What nobody freaking locks doors around here?

Mohinder and Bennet are together in an alley when Bennet asks Mohinder who he's paired up with. 'One of them, one of you.' It's revealed that he knows Elle. Probably intimately since she's such a self-proclaimed skank. She comes near him with lightening in her hands and is tackled by West. Mohinder's about to bust a cap in Bennet when he wrestles the gun away from Mohinder and almost shoots him until West intercedes. He returns home to find Sandra tied up and Claire gone. But, he assures her that he'll get Claire back, because he's got collateral. And that collateral is Elle.

After tying her up and putting her feet in water so that her lightening power only serves to electrocute herself, the questions begin. Bennet enlightens Elle to how badly her father treated her in the testing facility and that she only doesn't remember it because someone took her memories away. (The Haitian, of course.)

Bennet calls Bob to negotiate a trade. Bob tells him he'll see him at the beach. And starts draining Claire's blood.
Hiro has brought Kaito back in time to his mother's funeral, to show him the pain he's feeling right now at his death, and how badly he wants to change it. While Kaito says it is the saddest day in his life, he still does not believe that Hiro should save him. Hiro meets his child self, and tells him that he can't play god. Hiro finally understands that he was being childish, and takes his father back to NYC.

As Bennet prepares to retrieve Claire, West demands to be taken along because he's the fastest way to get her out of a bad situation. Bennet agrees. I weirdly like that they're working together now.

Hiro takes his father back to NYC to wish him goodbye. It's a very emotional parting and he asks Kaito to say hello to his mother. Sniff, sniff. Who comes around the corner to kill him but a man who Hiro stops time to discover the identity of. As predicted, it's Takezo Kensei, or Adam. Who didn't see that one coming, huh?

Matt interrogates Angela yet again. He begins to use his father's mind powers on Angela. She tells Matt that Adam did it. She also tells Matt that Adam is over 400 years old, that they locked him up and now he's seeking revenge. She withholds information on where the mystery woman in the photo is, telling Matt. 'I made a promise to this woman. If you take this secret from me, you won't be like your father, you'll be him.'
This is an image of the cast of Heroes.
Bob and Bennet meet at the beach to orchestrate a trade. During the trade, Elle snaps her restraints and shoots Claire and West down from the sky. Bennet shoots Elle and is about to shoot Bob when Mohinder shoots Bennet in the eye, just like the picture. He is presumably dead. Oh Mohinder. You've just become most-hated character number one. I hope you get the Shanti virus, shrivel up and freaking die for how bad you suck right now.

West and Claire return home with Claire completely struck on the fact that the last thing she said to her father was that she hated him. Now she'll never get a chance to take it back. She enters the house, tells Sandra, and West sees them both collapse through the window.

We cut to Hiro giving Kaito Nakamura's eulogy. He tells us that his father taught him right from wrong, what it meant to be a hero and as long as his lessons live within Hiro, he will never die. He tells us that he taught him that some things are better left in god's hands, and the scene cuts to Mohinder with the gun, contemplating what he's done. With Hiro's voice-over we see each character mourning. And then in that final moment we see Bennet being fed Claire's blood, and his eye regrowing. Um -- kinda called that.

Wow. Just, wow. The 'next-on' preview looks even better than this episode. Thank you for stepping it up this time round, 'Heroes.' This episode rocked the freaking house. I can't wait for the last two, especially the show-down between Elle and Claire. Claire's totally going to take Veronica Mars down. Until next week 'Heroes' fans.

’Heroes’ Episode Eight Recap ’Four Months Ago’ - Season 2

We open this week, 'Four Months Ago,' with Peter meeting Adam. Peter doesn't remember Adam. Adam thinks the Haitian has taken liberty with Peter's mind. He tells Peter that he can heal his mind, since he can heal. He just has to think back to what is more important to him.

We flash back to when Nathan takes Peter up into the air, he tells Nathan to let him go, and reveals to him that he can do whatever anyone else's powers are. He explodes and Peter carries Nathan back to safety.This is an image of Peter Petrelli from 'Heroes' played by Milo Ventimiglia.
It's revealed that DL survived the bullet wound, so why did he die?

Alejandro is at his wedding when Maya freaks out, unhappy with his marriage. She no longer feels like dancing and goes out and cries one black tear. She then walks in on her brother's bride and another man doing the dirty. He roughs Maya up, and the black tears come. She goes to find her brother and realizes she's killed the entire wedding party. Alejandro wants to know what's happened, and she tells him that she must have done it.

Peter drops Nathan off at the hospital, and when he turns invisible to sneak back and see how he is, Veronica Mars lightening bolts him. Bob asks, 'Did you have to hit him with full blast?' She responds, 'He can take it.' Oh how flirty you are Kristen Bell! What an absolutely naughty little girl you are. I'm over her being on this show. Seriously.

Peter wakes up to Elle peering over him. 'He's not a toy, Elle.' 'He could be.' So CUTE, Kristen! Bob explains that Peter is safe, but Nathan isn't. Or the world isn't, until he has his powers under control. They tell him about the experimental vaccine that could cure him and he accepts.

Angela tells Nathan about his accident, and that they can't find Peter. Peter sees his charred and awful face. Nice touch with the yellow eye.

Back with DL and Nikki, it's revealed that Bob paid for DL's medical care. Bob tells her he can help her get rid of her second personality, as long as she ditches her family and goes into a program.

Elle gives Peter pills to suppress his power. She's obviously very kinky, because she tells him he'll get used to her lightening bolts, and will eventually get to like them. Golly. After she leaves Peter's room at the lab, Adam calls to Peter through the grate in the wall.
'Three Months Later...'
Micah's birthday party lacks the happy character it should have, Nikki seems distracted. Micah suggests that they should be a crime fighting team, but DL says that he's going to get a job where Micah will be proud. Nikki expresses distaste at her medication, and flushes them down the sink. Good for you.

Adam speaks to Peter about how they are in a forgotten place, and Peter says that he deserves to be in there. Adam realizes that Peter's been through something awful. And Peter finally tells Adam his name.
After Elle gives Peter her medication, he challenges her into telling him her story. Same old sob story, eh Kristen? Burned down her grandma's house at 4, blackout in 3 counties but the time she was 8. Been in the facility for 16 years. We've heard that one before, sister.

Adam cautions Peter against giving it up to Elle, and Peter assures him he's only interested in the pills. Adam laughs, 'I keep forgetting you believe them.' He tells Peter that he's been in there for 30 years, and their 'cure' has never gotten better. In fact, it's not a facility at all, it's a prison. 'Don't believe me?' he tells Peter, 'Just try to get out.'

Angela is back to see Nathan, and she walks in on a visit with him and his wife. His wife tells Angela that Nathan's told her everything. Angela tells her that Nathan is crazy, presumably to regain control of Nathan. She asks Heidi to keep it a secret. Heidi agrees. She looks a lot prettier when she's upset.

Cut to Nikki and DL. Nikki's getting ready to go to her first day of work at a car dealership. Nikki's got a new personality, Gina. And just like usual, Gina takes over Nikki.

Peter's trying to convince Bob to let him see his family. He won't, so Adam and him plan to break out, and use Adam's blood healing powers to fix Nathan.

This is an image of Noah Gray-Cabey from 'Heroes.' DL's got a gig as a volunteer fire-fighter, and is using his ability for good. He returns from work to Micah excited to see him, but no Nikki. On the mirror, Gina has written, 'Gone to L.A. C-Ya!' DL thinks it's Jessica, but Gina is a representation of the time Nikki went out to L.A. and asked everyone to call her Gina. Hmm. That's a scary prospect. Your crazy partying alter-identity, out to play. What's she going to do -- flash people as her superpower? I guess she could spread STDs.

Peter starts to seduce Elle to help break out of the facility. She shocks him on the lips, and he fakes taking his medicine. It's day number 5 without his meds, and he's trying to escape. He walks through the wall, meets Adam, and remarks, after 400 years, you've held up pretty good. They leave to save Nathan.

Maya is at a convent, but Alejandro has located her. She tells him that there is something evil inside of her, he tells her he wants to help but brings in the police. She cries the black tears during her arrest and kills the cop, showing Alejandro that their power is linked. They escape together.

DL goes to find Nikki, thinking that she's Jessica, finding out she's not. When he shows her a picture of Micah, DL and her, she wakes from her Gina trance. As they are walking out, the guy she was with shoots DL. Nice move, Nikki.

We're at DL's funeral. Nikki tells DL's mom that she might need to get some help.

Adam and Peter heal Nathan, but when they come out of the hospital, Elle and Bob are waiting for them. They split up, and the Haitian chases Peter into a cargo bin where he clears his mind.

Angela walks into Nathan's room to find him healed. Nikki walks into the facility and thanks Bob, who looks profoundly regretful. Nathan goes to a bar. We see Maya and Sylar together. Peter realizes he knows everything, and is ready to save the world with Adam.

Oh MAN. I loved this episode, it filled in so many gaps I was wondering about. Especially about the whole Nathan and Peter exploding thing. It was also great to see the beginning of Maya and Alejandro. I can't wait for next week. So good. So good.

’Heroes’ Episode Seven Recap: ’Out of Time’ - Season 2

We open up with our favorite story line. Hiro, Kensei and Yaeko. Kensei has Hiro inhaling opium, and is ready to take Yaeko and half the country by force. How lovely. Is anyone else completely over this? I am. Seriously.

We pan out to one of Isaac's painting, depicting Hiro and Kensei fighting. Bennet and the Haitian are piecing together the paintings. Bennet calls Mohinder, demanding to know if he has a company mandated gun. Mohinder pieces together that he is now expendable, and just then Nikki, Matt and Nathan enter the picture, telling everyone that Matt's father is killing off the older heroes, and that Bob is next. Wooo. Whoopdy do.

Peter and Caitlyn are still wandering around post-apocalyptic NYC, searching for anyone. Hazmat figures accost them, demanding to know if they've exhibited symptoms, if they're sick... Sick with what, hmmm?

Thank you writers, Claire in bed? Sweet. West wakes her up with a text message about waffles. Delicious waffles. Even though Bennet is out of town, Claire is still apprehensive about her crazy daddy finding out. West informs Claire that they made the knews. 'Drunk Cheerleader Suspended: Claims she saw boy who could fly.' Sweet.

Circumstances have changed, apparently. The only way to catch Maury is to inject him with the virus, using Bob as bait. Bob informs Matt that he is the only one who can stop his father with this virus, while Mohinder, again, protests its use.

Yaeko's father states that Kensei will no doubt conquer , but Yaeko believes differently. She frees herself and Hiro.

The Shanti virus has spread across the globe. The very virus Mohinder protested use of. Ninety-three percent of the world's population is dead. Caitlyn's being deported, and we're treated to a tasty 'delousing' scene with Peter, who, we discover, should be dead, death certificate and all. The government agent informs Peter of the good news. Hey, seven percent's better than nothing right? That's the spirt!

Matt's speaking with the comatose Molly. Still feeling guilty for asking Molly to find his father, he waxes philosophical about how he knows how it feels to want to please someone so badly that you'll do anything. He doesn't think he has the power, but when he tells Molly that he loves her, her brain activity goes off the charts. Yay for the healing power of love. Now wake up kiddo, comatose patients are boring.

Mohinder is dicussing with Nikki the moral reprehensions of using the virus. Nikki urges Mohinder to use it, 'No one will die,' she claims. Maury, disguised as DL tells Nikki she'll never be healed, she's a killer, and by the end of the day, she'll be killing a lot more people. Could he be speaking to the plague?

Bob clues Nathan in on Adam. According to Bob, Adam is the main killer. Maury, instead of the mastermind, is his tool. Adam was the one with thoughts of global annihilation to start anew and Linderman was his disciple. Nathan asks why he should care. Bob tells him. 'Your brother is alive.'

Peter and Angela reunite. Peter doesn't know her, doesn't know anyone. Angela informs him that Nathan died in the first virus outbreak, and that if he doesn't do anything, that virus will kill them all. Peter busts out with some great acting, punching tables, having flashbacks, and finally recognizing the old hag for who she is. Sorry, but come on, she really is an old hag.

Claire and West are all about the making out. In front of Mr. Muggles in fact. Claire wants to know if the marks on West's neck hurt. And then she says, 'If you're going to be dropping in, there's something I need to tell you.' West thinks that he's moving too fast. Bennet walks in, scares the crap out of West and in his panic, he thinks Claire is trying to set him up and flies away.

Hiro and Yaeko discuss more intricacies of the mess they've ended up in. 'Kensei is good, I believe in him, he's been made cruel by pain, but he's not anymore.' Off to battle.

Maury gets even further into Nikki's head by sending DL in again, and then having Bob shoot him. Mohinder tries to help her, but she throws him into a wall, grabbing a syringe with a wild look in her eye. Nice one Nikki. You're so annoying.

Is this the big showdown? Kensei and Hiro face off, fighting in the gunpowder/firearms tent of White Beard. Hiro tries to save Kensei, but he claims that as long as he has breath, anything Hiro loves he will lay to waste. The tent explodes and Hiro manages to time-travel with his life.

Peter's alive! Bob tells Nathan that they tracked Peter to , and then lost him. Nathan wants to know how it's possible that the company actually lose someone. They are interrupted by Nikki knocking down the door coming after them with a syringe. Nathan talks sense into her, after which Nikki stabs herself to get out of Maury's nightmare.

Molly brings Matt into her nightmare, and then Matt brings Maury in. Hey big happy family! Matt tells his father off. 'I'm a good man, I'm a good cop, and I'm a good father, which is more than you ever could be.' He then traps Maury inside of his own prison. Nice move, Matt. Way to actually be a hero. Molly wakes up, they embrace, everyone cries salty tears of joy.

We're reunited with Peter and Angela and Peter is reunited with Caitlyn. She's being deported, and apparently, for all his powers, there's nothing that Peter can do. And then, randomly, he's transported back to the room in Montreal. Could Adam being calling him back there?

Back at the White Beard ruins, Hiro examines Kensei's armor, apparently he's dead. But seriously. Isn't he fire resistant, you know, because he heals? Something tells me that we haven't seen the last of Takezo Kensei. Yaeko offers a life with her as his princess, but that's not how the story ends. He must go back. Yaeko will spread stories of the noble Takezo Kensei, so that 'the boy Hiro' will have tales to help him sleep.

Mohinder is attempting to cure Nikki with the antibodies of his blood, but this virus is immune, it's a different strain. Nikki asks if she's going to die, Mohinder has no answer.

Hiro finally returns to the real world, where he's excited to tell his father and Ando all that has happened. Ando tells him that his father is dead.

Mohinder reports to Bob that the virus has no cure. Bob clues in Mohinder to Claire Bennet and her healing ability. Her regenerative abilities could cure the virus. Mohinder, wishy-washy sap that he is, tells Bob that he and Bennet have been working together to take down the company. Bob infers that Bennet must be killed to obtain Claire. Mohinder picks up a company issued gun, with his broken nose, just like in the painting.

Bennet and Claire get into it. He calls her out for her indiscretion, she calls him out that no one believes that he was at a copy conference. He blames it on her new boyfriend, says it's no longer safe there and that they must leave immediately. She informs him that they can leave, but she's staying. Smart move, Ms. Claire.

Back to Peter in Montreal, where he's introduced to Adam. Wow. Who doesn't love the crazy twists. 'Hello, Peter. I'm Adam.' Hello, Takezo Kensei.

One word: Unbelievable. While I think they could have gone more into the virus, the conclusion of Hiro's stint in makes me so happy. I also like that we haven't seen the end of Kensei, he was a worthy adversary. Yet again, can't wait for next week.

’Heroes’ Episode Six Recap: ’The Line’ - Season 2

The Line' opens with Peter and Caitlin discussing Ricky's death. Peter realizes that the girl who's looking for him and his destiny are tied in with Montreal, and resolves to go find Ricky's killer. Caitlin goes along with him vowing to 'Kill the Bitch.' Uh-oh, watch out Veronica Mars.

America's favorite cheerleader Claire tries out for cheerleading and to the extreme dismay of males everywhere, doesn't make the squad. This travesty is enacted because of the bitchy lead cheerleader who informs Claire that she is, in fact, not extraordinary. Whoever said cheerleaders were smart was completely on the money. Sigh.

Mohinder is studying Monica, and Bob enters with the demand to inject Monica with a mutated strand of the virus that kills the heroes. Mohinder is torn, since he has brought them Molly, he has to do what they ask of him or Bennet informs him that he'll jeopardize the project. That, my dear Mohinder, is why you don't sleep with the enemy. OR give them your children. It's novel, I know -- I'm just that smart.

This is an image of NBC's Heroes. Enter a brand new bunch... The grandmother and grandson, Koyla, leave for a party, while the white-haired man is accosted by Bennet and the Haitian. "Ivan my dear friend, we need to talk." The altercation leaves Ivan on the floor, and me completely flummoxed.

Claire is socially ostracized except for West. She complains to her lovey-poo, who manages to coax Claire into taking the head cheerleader down a notch. This should be interesting.

Maya and Sylar are talking about their powers. Maya can't understand how someone would want to be different, but Sylar charms her, reaching for a little extra something. Ow-ow! Alejandro does not trust Sylar's intentions, but Maya remains adamant that he was sent by god to help them and they must trust him.

Back to the Hiro, Ando and the deciphering of the scrolls. Still kind of tired of the Hiro plot. They are planning a war, and Hiro is concerned for the woman he loves, Yaeko. But with Kensei at her side, she has no fear.

Ivan and Bennet are having a friendly chat, of course -- Bennet threatening Ivan with a memory wipe and carrying it out... It's painfully obvious that Claire's dad is still an a-hole. Go Bennet. After a short commercial break, (thankful for a DVR) we return to Bennet and Ivan. The Haitian has completely wiped all of Ivan's memories of his wife. (Ouch.) Ivan threatens Bennet's family and just when the Haitian is meant to wipe all of Ivan's memories concerning Bennet and his family Ivan offers him a deal. Come back to the company and we'll protect you. Is Bennet is turning to the dark side? Could the painting be making sense?

Suresh is faced with the injection of Monica. In a surprisingly awesome and not wussy move, he can't do it. He effectively quits, smashes the virus, and leaves.

This is an image of Sylar from HeroesSylar steers Maya and Alejandro to the border and they're not the only ones there. The border patrol surrounds them, and Sylar encourages Maya to use her power to get them out of that sticky situation. She does it. Sylar's got a girlfriend! Like, OMG, their babies are going to be SUPER adorable.

Claire scares the crap out of the lead cheerleader, by staging her own abduction by West. He swoops her in the air and drops her so she can feign death. West then comes after the HBIC. Nicely done, you two. Seriously.

Meanwhile the head cheerleader is telling the police what happened to Claire, with absolutely no evidence to back up her story. Claire comes out of the shadows and acts as if nothing has happened. She's so cute when she lies.Back to Hiro's story. Yawn. They go to save Yaeko's father. He does not want to be saved, instead, he expresses the need to destroy the clan's guns. Hiro realizes that Kensei's future is to destroy these guns and save Japan. Cue the inspiration music and finish this storyline already.

Bob apologizes to Mohinder for asking him to do such an amoral medical procedure. While he gives Mohinder no reason to trust him, he doesn't really have much of a choice since he made the extremely intelligence absent move of bringing Molly to the company. Bob does mention though, that they'd like to introduce someone to Suresh to keep these kind of hasty and bad communications at a minimum. Hmm, could that be Bennet? Now, that's an awkward meeting. But then again, maybe not ...

This is an image of Hiro and Yaeko from Heroes. Back to Japan we go! We're in the heat of battle and Yaeko's in the line of fire. Hiro in his love for her (ugh) whisks her away from battle through time to save her. She pretty much freaks and demands to know what Hiro has done. 'How did we get here Hiro?' She realizes that Hiro was the man who did the amazing things. He's the one who saved her, the one under the cherry blossoms. Yaeko asks Hiro if he loves her. He replies "Very much." They kiss. Kensei watches. The scroll ends. Jealousy and betrayal begin.

Alejandro is beating the crap out of Sylar and yet again Maya intercedes. He is upset that Sylar gave Maya the go ahead to kill those people and that she followed his guidance. Maya manages to allow Sylar to stay on, but at a hefty price. Alejandro tells her next time her eyes go black, he will not offer his hand to her to save Sylar. Hmm. Wouldn't that be purposefully killing someone too Alejandra? Now who's in the glass house, buddy? One of the most enjoyable parts of this segment is when Sylar tells Alejandro, knowing he does not understand English, what he's planning to do to the two of them once he gets his powers back. And of course, he shares how he'll train Maya if his powers do not return. Sylar's getting the property complex with Maya. Silly Sylar, don't you know that whole 'women as property' thing is so last year?

Claire is not pleased with her own actions, but they do wind her up on the cheerleading team. So yet again, we've got a cheerleader and a world that could require saving. Nice.

Bennet finally gets the information he needs pertaining the whereabouts of Isaac's paintings and instead of the memory wipe for Ivan, Bennet pulls the trigger. While it is a murder, it's still a pretty big declaration that he's not going to the Company's side.

Kensei confronts Hiro, "First you show me that I can not be harmed, and then you cut me deeper than any weapon could." After Hiro pledges not to love Yaeko, Kensei agrees, then turns on him, selling him and Yaeko out to White Beard. Nice move, you drunk. At least this plot just got more interesting.

Bob drops Monica off at home, and gives her a device with images of how to do pretty much anything. We also This is an image of Niki Sanders from 'Heroes.'find out that Mohinder's new 'partner' of sorts is a very ill-acting Nikki. She's looking more like Jessica than ever. And she's there to make sure there are no more, "misunderstandings."

Bennet and the Haitian locate the paintings and while they are all in succession, it's near impossible to decipher them. Hiro fighting, a man shooting a gun, Bennet dead... But what do they mean?

Peter and Caitlin make it to Montreal, and they've located the area in the painting. They find a note, that reads: 'You were right about the company, the world's in danger, it's up to us -- Adam.' "The world's in danger, what am I supposed to do?" With Peter's musings and his profound wish to know who he is, Caitlin and him are transferred to NYC, to a desolate city, where there is an evacuation notice dated June 14th 2008. And the ever dreaded 'To Be Continued ...' graphic. Has it really been an hour already?

No doubt this episode was amazing. We saw the true commitment of heroes who, up until now were ambiguously positioned in the good and evil spectrum, and Claire got to show off her sweet powers in public.So good job all around guys. One thing I've got to say is, is it just me or does the next on trailer for 'Heroes' look absolutely ridiculous? '93% of the World's Population Dead. Evil Has Decided Our Destiny. Good Will Have to Overcome It.' And then Angela Petrelli's voice echoing "You can change history." Honestly, this next on preview looks better than most of the ongoing plots this season. Let's get some urgency going, ladies and gents! It's time to face adversity and save something other than Hiro's extremely drawn out love affair with the Kensei legend. I, for one was completely enthralled by the episode, and now that preview? Wake me up when it's next Monday, folks.

’Heroes’ Episode Five Recap: ’Fight or Flight’ - Season 2

Image of Kristen Bell in 'Heroes'"When confronted by our worst nightmares, the choices are few...fight or flight. We hope to find the strength to stand against our fears, but sometimes, despite ourselves, we run. What if the nightmare gives chase? Where can we hide then?"

Such was the theme of chaper five, as stated in the traditional voiceover by Mohinder at the top of the episode, and we open on my-two-dads Mohinder and Matt agonizing over their comatose ward, Molly. Mohinder argues that Matt owes it to Molly to track down his father (a.k.a., the Nightmare Man from Molly's dreams) in Philadelphia since it was Matt's request that she use her power to locate him that put her in her current state. Matt promises the unconscious Molly that she's going to be OK, then promptly exits stage left on his mission.

Monica is interviewed by the police in the wake of the attempted robbery that she foiled in last week's episode, but lies and tells the investigating officer that she's unable to identify her attacker. This despite the fact that the officer comes right out and tells her that he needs "sombebody to step up a hero." Monica, don't you know that's your job? Damn, girl, it's right there in the title of the show!

Peter makes with the lip-smacking action with Caitlin, his fine young Irish lass in County Cork, and she rebuts his contention that he "could get used to this" by explaining that he's got a past and owes it to himself to discover it. But first, he'll carry her off to the bedroom, and this is where we leave them, literally behind closed doors.

While still in Ireland, the much ballyhooed entrance of Kristen Bell takes place, as she interviews one of the Irish thieves at the shipyards where the now-empty shipping container which delivered Peter to the Emerald Isle resides. She explains she works for a company that is interested in finding Peter, as he is a dangerous man. We then see energy crackling from her fingertips as she lightly grazes the crate while walking away.

Matt and Nathan meet in the police station, where Nathan insists that he join Matt on his mission to Philadelphia. Matt ultimately agrees, partially due to the fact that they can get there faster by utilizing Nathan's power of flight.

Back in the Irish pub, Peter is told that an American girl has been sniffing around the docks looking for him. Caitlin's brother Frankie assures Peter he'll handle it, telling Peter to hole up with Caitlin in her flat in the meantime.

Monica, when confronted by her co-worker Camille, admits that she learned how to throw-down on would-be robbers pretty much by watching TV. Question for the class: Can she only perform feats of (human) strength, or if she were to watch, say, an episode of Heroes, could she gain the powers of any fictional superhuman character? Hmmm...

Matt and Nathan arrive in Philly where Matt confronts his deadbeat dad at gunpoint, followed by his dad indicating that he's the next one of the older generation Heroes to be marked for murder. Matt's dad explains that all of the parents found each other years ago, and thought they could save the world. Matt attempts to read his dad's mind and suffers painful mental feedback –turns out Matt's a chip off the old mind-reader block– and his dad promises to tell them everything he knows if only Matt will remove the cuffs. Gee, anybody think this will end badly?

Monica returns home to her grandmother's house to find Micah playing piano like a prodigy. By the scene's end, we learn that Monica's powers of mimicry aren't limited to acts she's witnessed on TV, as she ends up playing a pretty mean piano herself, despite having never learned to play.

Mohinder calls Bennet to say that his concern for Molly is so great that he feels the need to take Molly to the Company for care. Bennet urges him to not forget whose side he's on, and Mohinder haughtily replies that he's on Molly's side.

Matt's dad confesses that when he first learned he was a mind-reader, he was a "real scumbag." Turns out he's still a real scumbag, as he goes on to explain that reading minds is merely how his power began to manifest. Then, as an object lesson into how powerful he is, he locks both Matt and Nathan in separate mental prisons; Matt in a literal prison, and Nathan in the ruins of a New York City where the crisis of last season's finale was never averted.

Image of Ando and a scientist from 'Heroes'With the aid of a scientist, Ando studies the Hiro-penned scrolls that he found in Kensei's sword handle. Upon reading the scrolls, which as we know (but Ando is just now learning) are letters to Ando from past-Hiro, we flashback to feudal Japan to check in with Hiro, Kensei and Yaeko. (Is anyone else utterly tired of this already overlong storyline?)

Micah shows Monica his power over electronics, by way of explaining to her that powers may run in the family, ergo her newfound abilities. He pulls out an issue of 9th Wonders featuring a hero who is a "muscle mimic" and suggesting that Monica needs to further test out her abilities to confirm that she is indeed a copycat.

Mohinder has taken Molly to the Company, where his boss prepares to send Mohinder out into the field, armed with a taser. Just then, a psychotically driven Niki bursts in and opens a can of whup ass on Mohinder and his boss until Mohinder zaps her into submission with the taser.

Monica and Micah hit the playground to test her powers, and she jumps into a game of double Dutch, working the twin spinning jump ropes like a pro (despite having "always sucked" before), as Micah looks, laughing somewhat maniacally.

Peter and Caitlin retire to her flat where we learn that she's a budding artist. Peter agrees that he needs to open the box and find out who he really is. His passport is in the box, along with an open plane ticket from New York to Montreal, and a photo of him and Nathan (though he, of course, doesn't know who is pictured with him in the photo). Peter then goes to work on one of Caitlin's blank canvases with his Isaac-painting-the-future power.

Kristen Bell's as-yet unnamed character questions Caitlin's brother Frankie alone in the pub. He says he's never seen this Peter Petrelli before and, knowing that he's lying, she proceeds to use her energy bolts to begin torturing him.

Niki wakes up, strapped down, but back to "herself" again, and is told by Mohinder's boss that they're going to get her well again. Mohinder wants to free her from her restraints, but she tells him that she came here on her own to be cured of her sickness.

As Nathan looks over the destroyed Manhattan skyline, he realizes that Peter is on the rooftop with him...but it's the hideously deformed version of Peter he's (and we've) previously seen only in reflections. Nathan turns away from the sight only to be faced with a similarly deformed version of himself who cryptically intones, "you can't run from me, Nathan."

A squalling baby suddenly appears in Matt's cell with him, followed by the appearance of his ex-wife, who carries the baby out of the cell while accusing Matt of having left the baby just like his own father left him ... and just like he's going to leave Molly.

Flash-cut to Nathan facing the nightmare vision of himself on the rooftop and, as they begin to duke it out, we flash-cut again to Matt fighting with hisprison guard, as we realize before they do that it's Matt's father's illusions which are causing them to whale on each other. Matt snaps out of it first and, in desperation, manages to broadcast the thought into Nathan's head that he should stop and wake up. Guess those powers are already morphing along, like father, like son. Nathan finds a scrap of photograph on the floor of Matt's dad's apartment, and it's Bob, Mohinder's boss who runs the Company...with the now familiar symbol scrawled in scarlet over his image indicating that he's a marked man. We know that Matt's dad is a real scumbag...could he be the murderer? (He's got my vote.)

Ando continues to read Hiro's scrolls and we briefly flashback again to feudal Japan where we learn that for their next trick, Hiro, Kensei and Yaeko must take on an entire army...and it's at this point that the writing on the scrolls becomes frustratingly illegible to Ando.

Image of Monica from 'Heroes'Micah walks in on Monica watching –and thus learning– kung fu from a martial arts movie. Monica struggles to understand what God wants her to do with this power, then busts Micah for staying up way past his bedtime. Micah assures her that their powers are a good thing. Just as Micah exits the room, Mohinder shows up at Monica's door promising answers to her many questions.

Kristen Bell's character is on the phone with (presumably) her contact at the Company, and we only hear her end of the conversation but, upon admitting that yes, she killed someone (Caitlin's brother) while carrying out her assignment to locate Peter Petrelli, she is clearly ordered off the case, which causes her to respond petulantly, saying, "sorry, Daddy, I'll come home now." If I'm correct in assuming that she's Bob's daughter, I can only go on to assume that his power must be to bear strikingly attractive children despite the fact that he himself is far from a matinee idol.

Peter completes his latest Isaac-powered masterpiece, and it's a moody street scene featuring two mysterious figures glimpsed from the rear (though seemingly a man and a woman) looking at a building with what appears to be a cathedral around the corner. The street signs are in French, prompting Caitlin to guess that "it could be the plane ticket." Caitlin answers her phone to discover that her brother has been murdered. Upon entering the pub to confront the awful truth, Peter admits that Frankie's death is his fault since they were looking for him, and he promises Caitlin that he's going to find them, and that he can't hide anymore.

Things seem to (finally) be heating up this season, and from the coming attractions, it looks like next week should happily be continuing the trend.

’Heroes’ Episode Four Recap: ’The Kindness of Strangers’ - Season 2

This week's episode starts off with the iconic image of Bennet dead with Claire and the mystery man (who I'm still speculating is West). Bennet and Mrs. Bennet are speculating about whether Claire is dating someone new. Again the subject of trusting outsiders comes up, and Bennet expresses an intrest to meet him. Claire lies, 'There is no boy.'

Cut to NYC, where Mohinder and Matt are busy being good daddies, trying to soothe Molly out of her screaming nightmares. Molly's not very happy and I'm sure her displeasure grows upon him singing to her. Nice voice buddy.

Nathan goes to see his kids at school to tell them that his Mother is in the hospital and that she'd appreciate it if they'd call. Through the gate he delivers the news, a derelict dad. An official from the school asks him if she can help, and when he informs her that he's their father, she informs him that he's not allowed to be on school grounds. He introduces that gold digging woman to the man who ultimately heals her and this is the thanks he gets? Seriously?
This is an image of Sylar from the TV Show, Heroes.
Maya and Alejandro are with Derek, the American who reveals that he's from New Jersey, but picked up a (Claire's?) car in California. It's revealed that they're all going to be looked for at the border. Who do they almost run over? Our favorite bad boy, Sylar.

We get a brief look into Micah's homelife at the present, hanging out with his cousins and his grandmother. While his cousin wants to watch pay-per-view, both his grandma and his cousin won't give him the money, but Micah's sweet ability to manipulate electronics might earn him some favor.

Matt Parkman is in Angela Petrelli's hospital room where she confesses to Kaito Nakamura's murder. She even goes so far to say that her wounds were self-inflicted. She conveys to Matt that she must lie to protect all of them. He's having none of that.

West and Claire meet at school, where Claire tells him that they should no longer see each other, because her parents are so overprotective. He promises that he'll back off tomorrow if she lets him take her out today. She agrees.

Nathan comes to the hospital to see his mother, where Matt tells Nathan he knows that his mother did not kill Kaito Nakamura, the same way he knows that Nathan can fly. Because he can read minds. Woo -- revelations!

Sylar, Maya, Alejandro and Derek are all in the car talking about destinations. Sylar says that he and Dr. Suresh are old friends and he'll take them to meet him. Maya thinks that it's a sign from god and when Sylar tells her his name, Gabriel Gray, that solidifies it for her. Alejandro remains suspicious.

We reconnect with Monica, Micah's cousin, who's completely psyched about getting a management position but her manager doesn't think she's right for it. Pretty much the only intresting thing in this scene is that she can replicate a flower tomato at the burger assembly line that she saw on TV that morning. What's her power, food art? 'Cause that's pretty cool.Claire announces in her normally obscure and badly lying kind of way that she has to go to the library for a research project about libraries. What? Instead she runs to the end of the street, sans books (not obvious at all), Bennet in pursuit, only to be whisked up into the air by West just before Bennet can see them.

Nathan and Matt are throwing out theories on who could be the killer, when a picture comes up that interests both of them. Angela Petrelli, Mr. Petrelli, Linderman, Charles Deveaux, Kaito Nakamura the dude with the glasses (named Bob), a woman who Matt recognizes and ... duh duh duh, Matt's father. Four people are unaccounted for. I wonder who's parents they are...

Monica knows there's something inside her that needs to come out. Her food artistry skill? But the show strikes a chord of realism when it's revealed that she lost her mother in Hurricane Katrina.

West and Claire go on an official date. To the top of the Hollywood sign and beyond! She tries to open up and West tells her to jump. He explains that he can't help her if she doesn't trust him. So let's get romantic! She plummets off of the Hollywood sign, and he catches her. Best line? 'I know you can heal Claire but I never want to see you hurt.' Too. Much. Romance? Here's the major question: did the plot line change once Hayden turned 18 and became a legitimate sex symbol? Are they just systematically working up her relationship with West to get some skin scenes in the show? I don't know about the average reader, but 'Heroes' doesn't need any hot cheerleader ass to be excellent programming. Just throwing it out there.

This is an image from the TV show, Heroes.Micah's using his crazy skill to get the pay-per-view fight. And Monica's perplexed and disappointed. She gives him the I know it's tough, but you got to obey the rules speech. Wait -- did Micah just feel what was going on in Monica? AND -- can Monica just do everything she sees? If so, that could be a really useful power and an excuse for TV to be not only a learning tool, but a life-enhancer.

Matt asks Molly to help him find his dad, since he seems to be in the middle of Matt's case. Upon gazing on his picture, Molly realizes that Matt's father is, in fact, the Nightmare man. Then her eyes go all crazy and show the godsend sign. Um, ok. That's a pretty cool power too. Being able to change your eyes? Can you imagine how that would intimidate? Don't mess with me, I'm crazy -- and then turn your eyes to concentric circles!

Nathan Petrelli is beginning to annoy me. He's in some kind of demented self-pity place hallucination state. Every time he seems to think of Peter, he sees himself in the mirror burned. Strange: Explain it already, don't make my mind work on a puzzle so small as Nathan Petrelli.

Maya, Alejandro, Sylar and Derek are at a rest stop. Derek has figured out that the pair are murderers and informs Sylar as much. Sylar kills Derek with a brick, pretends to sympathize with Alejandro and Maya's powers and scoots off in Claire's stolen car. Hmm, wondering what his motivation could be? I say it's purely humanitarian. I mean, wandering around in South America probably helped him more clearly redefine his priorities, right?

This is an image of West and Claire, from Heroes.Claire and West decide after their date that there needs to be a better lie she can tell. She decides that cheerleading is the best option, and Bennet grudgingly allows her to. Right after that, the Haitian comes, telling Bennet that there's a lead on the pictures in the Ukraine. Bennet's getting dragged into another mass of lies, right behind his daughter.

Mohinder and Matt are arguing about whether or not Molly can find Matt's father. Matt insists that it needs to be done. Molly says she'll do it for him. But when she does, she goes into a coma. Matt gets to do some super emotional acting. And the tears just come -- not from Matt, but from us. Because lord knows I've so grown attached to that annoying little person-finding kid. She's like Shirley Temple with super powers.

Proving our earlier musings about Monica's power, it appears that she, in fact, can do whatever she sees on TV, kicking the crap out of a would-be burger store robber. Again, let me reiterate. This power kicks complete ass. Let it be known.

While there were some really cool parts this episode -- it was neat to meet the new hero, Monica, and I'm excited to see where her power takes her -- for the most part, it was same old, same old. Nothing really revolutionary, except that we recieved confirmation that basically all of the original heroes were the parents of the current generation of heroes -- though we kind of already knew that. It was interesting to find out that Matt's father is the nightmare man. He must have crazy psychic powers akin to those manifested by the Phoenix, aka, Jean Grey. Either way, the season won't be complete until the Nightmare man explodes someone's head by just thinking it. (While Tenacious D blares in the background... digression!) Despite the relatively slow paced episodic package this time round, I'm still dying to see what happens next week. And, as embarrassing as this is to admit, I'm starting to like the West/Claire dynamic. It's cute. Well, at least until they kill Claire's dad. (Purely speculation, of course!) Until next week 'Heroes' fans! Hopefully we won't spend the next hour pining over Molly's distastefully cute comatose body.

Heroes: Chapter Three: "Kindred" Recap - Season 2

Love is the name of the game in this episode of 'Heroes.' Love and finding ones' self, if you really get down to it. Several romances spring up, as heroes test and use their powers for both good and evil. With surprises and a couple of heroes dabbling in the dark side, chapter three of 'Heroes' turns out to be the most thought-provoking yet.

The episode starts off with Peter and Scotty where we left them, working out a deal for the box that contains Peter's secrets. In this opening scene, it's revealed that Peter can now read minds just like Matt, exposing fellow Irishman Will's plan to steal the money after the heist they're planning. Not a one of the Irish folk believe him though, and they're left to ultimately see the error of their ways.
this is an image of Sylar, from Heroes
Maya and Alejandro have made it to a city somewhere in Mexico where they're trying to jack a car to get to America. Because Alejandro doesn't feel like checking for cops before breaking into the car, he gets arrested leaving Maya again by her lonesome. Smooth move, Alejandro. No really, it was awesome.

Sadly, a moment of silence is required as we find that D.L. has passed on, leaving only Niki and Micah behind, Niki tearfully convincing Micah that he must live in New Orleans with D.L.'s family while she gets something she needs done. Since it's Niki, it probably has to do with ditching her powers or sleeping with someone. We're hoping for both!

We are FINALLY reunited with Sylar! (Applause, please.) At first he appears to be befriended by Michelle, AKA, Candace, who can create illusions with ease. While they first seem to be on a beach, Sylar forces her to take the illusions away, and it's revealed that they are in a cement room with Sylar on a hospital bed all stitched up.

Claire and her father have a making up talk, (how sweet!) where she asks what would happen if someone were to find out about her power (West!). He replies that they might have to move, go underground, and forgo jobs and lives completely. Worst case scenario, of course. That's awfully comforting, Daddy Bennet, thanks. West and Claire reunite at school, venom flying as Claire makes up stories about how it only looked like her toe was bleeding because she spilled nail polish on it. Nice cover-up, Claire. Very Nice.

Mohinder's back in NYC, with Matt worried that his bringing the fight into their own backyard will disturb Molly more than she already is. Mohinder discounts his advice, saying he can handle it. Yeah, Mohinder. You thought you could handle Sylar too, didn't you? And we all know how that turned out.

Hello, Ando! While getting busted playing video games at work isn't exactly helping his career advancement, it does prompt him to get depressed, mess with Hiro's sword and find messages from past Hiro telling him of his adventures with Kensei. That Hiro, he's so adorable! While Peter tries to gain control of his powers in time for the big job, Kaitlyn comes in and assures him that she'll be watching his back and that she hasn't told anyone of his powers. Hello, new and hot relationship. Seriously. Who didn't see it coming?

At school, West proves himself to be a horrible person and an all around four-letter word that starts with D and ends with K. Seriously. Calling out Claire as a 'lizard girl' in biology class, he so rattles her that she runs for the exit in tears.

Hiro fully realizes that he loves the blacksmith's daughter, but is disheartened because she is destined for Takezo Kensei. Kensei's pretty freaked out by his powers now, but starts getting into the idea when he realizes how much money he could make from it. Hiro is exasperated and teaches him to be a hero the hard way, dumping him in front of a gigantic battle he's meant to fight. Good luck, Kensei!

West comes out to talk to Claire after she runs out of class. Obviously, she's upset and crying – not to mention furious when West asks if he's hurt her feelings. Asking him what he wants from her, West replies, only for you to admit you're different. Freaking out, but still very pretty, she replies with her 'I'm a freak.' speech, and if she were found out she'd be carted to a place to be poked and prodded until the end of her days. West tells her to shut up, very romantically of course, picks her up, and whisks her off into the sky. In broad daylight. How very romantic -- and discreet. This is an image of Hayden Panettiere as Claire, from Heroes.

As Peter's helping the Irish posse run their little armored car heist, he finds that practicing his powers is no longer needed. I'd say moving a full truck in front of a bunch of guards with your mind is something that you just can't improve on. Well, maybe you can ...

Mohinder's got a new lab and a new boss. The organization has set Mohinder up in a fancy new place, with brand new equipment that just happens to be in Isaak's old apartment. Nice. Very Nice. Much to his disappointment, they insist that he needs supervision.

Hiro and the blacksmith's daughter begin to talk about Kensei -- her doubting him and Hiro praising him (a la Cyrano De Bergerac), when he arrives, carrying the fire scroll she requires. Proclaiming that she'll never doubt him again they embrace. Poor Hiro. Poor, poor Hiro.

Niki's giving Micah the 'Bennet' talk. You know, the one about suppressing powers being for their own good. Niki convinces Micah that she has to leave him with relatives so that she can do something she has to do. As usual. Really, I love Ali Larter, but she sure gets weepy at times. We're introduced to DL's mother. It's a freaking 'Star Trek' reunion! Welcome to 'Heroes,' Uhura, AKA, Nichelle Nichols!

While Maya's overwhelming guilt at her power previously laced the last two episodes, she seems to embrace it in this one. Going to bail out her brother from jail, the policeman threatens to call the border patrol on her. With an evil, 'I wouldn't do that if I were you,' she announces to the station that they are murderers, and unleashes her power of the black eye goo on the police station. Nice one, Maya! Way to bust out your brother. Alejandro realizes what she's done and reverses it, taking a talkative prisoner with a car along with them.

The Irish crew returns home with the money, Will proving Peter correct in his devious plan to rob his kinfolk. Will shoots Peter, but lucky for him, Peter spits the bullets out Wolverine style, pins Will against the wall and is enjoying torturing him and might conceivably have killed him if Kaitlyn hadn't yelled for him to stop. Interesting. Will Peter not stay a Hero? Will he move to the dark side?

Back in ancient Japan, Hiro announces to Kensei with much regret that he must leave. But when he sees the face of the blacksmith's daughter Hiro changes his mind and knows it's not time to head back just yet. Go Hiro, get you some!

Back in the cement shack that's functioning as Sylar's residence, Michelle offers help to Sylar, who can no longer command his powers. Showing an impressive display of illusion and some tempting options, her offer is rewarded with a coffee cup upside the head. Sylar says that she can help him to restore his powers. Guess what's going to happen next? Could we expect anything less from our favorite anti-hero, Sylar? The fly in the ointment for Sylar is that even after stealing her power/brain and revealing her true form he discovers that he can't use it. Has Sylar lost his touch? And where is he? Trees abound as Sylar tries to determine his location and use his powers.

Due to Peter's show of support for the Irish bunch, Kaitlyn gives him the family crest on his arm and Scotty gives him the box with his life in it. Peter's unsure as to whether or not he even wants to open the box and find out what his previous life was. In response to his indecision, Kaitlyn and Peter make out while Peter's tattoo morphs into 'the symbol' and disappears. Intrigue ... This is an image from the show, Heroes

Let the romance continue! While Claire and West sit on the beach talking about why each other's power is cooler then their own and kissing like horny teenagers, Claire notices the mark of those taken into the organization on his neck. He relays the story to her of how he got it. West, like the others, lost a day during abduction but remembers the man who took him: 'The guy with the horned-rim glasses.' I don't think I need to spell that out for anyone. Claire's daddy kidnapped West and she knows it. Let the drama begin.

Mohinder's every move is being watched by the organization, and he's worried. He gets a brief respite from work when Niki calls the glasses guy, asking if he can cure her. Mohinder makes a startling discovery, a painting by Isaak, showing Bennett shot and dead, while Claire and (I'm assuming) West make out in the background. It's not looking good for Bennet. Guess that Karma thing might actually be true.

The episode ends quite poignantly, Bennet agape over the picture predicting his death, while Claire comes up behind him, furious because she knows what he did to West, and countless others. The 'To Be Continued' this week around is bittersweet. Why? Because I want to know what happens NOW! Tune in next week, for more shenanigans from that wacky and lovable 'Heroes' crew. Until then, 'Heroes' fans .... until then.