Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Heroes Rundown Chapter Seven: "Eris Quod Sum"

This week's episode of Heroes has so many daddy issues you'd think it's Lost. We've got the Petrelli family head honcho, Arthur, along with a sad story about Matt Parkman's dad Maury. Mohinder tries to avenge his father's death and Claire and Nathan are reunited (though as Claire points out, dads aren't always as they seem).

There's much more to this week's story than just dads, though, so to discuss, read more.

Hiro doesn't want to go back in time, but Usutu warns him, "Evil forces gather. The dark sun rises. Soon it will be too late. You choose your own path or you have it chosen for you."

Mohinder grabs Maya from her slime cocoon and brings her to Pinehearst where he meets Arthur Petrelli.
Mohinder: "Everyone thinks you're dead . . . What could possibly drive a father to put his children through such grief?"
Arthur: "Have you met their mother?" Har-har. Arthur takes Maya's ability away, to her great relief. Mohinder tells Arthur, "I need to find a way to reverse the changes and retain my abilities." So, Arthur brings him to the room with all the sciencey formula stuff.

Elle shows up at the Bennet house, looking for help from HRG because she keeps overloading. Claire tells her of her own problem: Not being able to feel pain at all anymore (to which Elle responds, "You can't feel pain. I wish I had your problems, cheerleader."). So the two of them set off together for Pinehearst, but on the plane ride there, Elle becomes upset (maybe because Claire is such a smug little brat) and starts electrically freaking out, causing the plane to falter and the pilot to remind everyone to turn off all electrical equipment. Claire: "I think he's talking about you." Ha! Claire then takes some of Elle's electricity until she calms down. Once at Pinehearst, Elle runs inside while Claire helps Peter get away from there.

Peter tells his father he's seen the future and it looks bleak, and Arthur insists that Peter can help to not make that a reality. Peter says he's going to make Arthur pay for all the things he's done.

Angela and Sylar are still trapped at Primatech when Sylar sees Angela in his mind saying, "Gabriel, you don't know the half of what you're capable of. Show them. Show them why you're my favorite. Make Mommy proud." So, Sylar just decides to break free and tells Angela he'll save Peter.

Arthur and Maury Parkman confront Daphne about not recruiting Matt. Arthur tells Daphne to kill Parkman, Maury gets emotional, so Arthur snaps his neck. Daphne goes to Parkman's house with a gun. He tells her they get married and start a family together. "We're gonna love each other." Daphne drops the gun, and Parkman finds out about his father being killed.
Arthur brings Peter to Mohinder but just as Mohinder is about to inject Peter, Sylar appears and breaks Peter free because "That's what brothers do, Peter, they look out for each other." Aww. The moment of brotherly love is somewhat dampened when Mohinder starts smashing Sylar's head into the ground. How quickly I'd forgotten about the monster Sylar was when he killed Mohinder's father.

HRG and Meredith (holding out a palmful of fire for no reason) show up at Mohinder's place, where Tracy and Nathan are. HRG tells Tracy and Nathan that they have to be tested at the company. Meredith and Tracy size each other up. Meredith says she'd watch out for that one. Tracy: "We're not together."

When Knox comes by to make sure Daphne killed Parkman, Parkman gets into Knox's head and makes him think he killed Parkman and Daphne. Sending his fist through Parkman's body is pretty freaking gross. But not as gross as Claire's brain scene with Sylar in the premiere. Parkman tells Daphne they should go to Primatech.

Maya and Mohinder, blah blah, Maya's leaving, blah. "I need to make amends. And so do you."

Arthur tells a floating Sylar that Angela is using him. Angela saw Sylar's future when he was a child and she tried to kill him (so says Arthur). When Peter shows up, Arthur tells him, "The world you saw doesn't exist. We won't let it." Sylar then tosses Peter through the window, but slows his fall enough that Peter doesn't die. Arthur tells Sylar they'll just have to take their fight to the enemy.

Sad! Daphne appears to still be working for Arthur, deceiving Parkman into thinking she's on his side. Arthur: "Screw this up and I'll put you right back where I found you." I'm now fully curious about where Arthur "found" her.

Peter tells Nathan about their dad and Nathan sets off to find him. Tracy says she can help open doors at Pinehearst, but Nathan says he doesn't need help opening doors. "I plan on kicking them down." As Arthur said, revenge is in the Petrelli blood.

Finally, Usutu tells Hiro about spirit walks, feeds him the dung paste, and Hiro gets all white-eyed.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Heroes Rundown Chapter Six: "Dying of the Light" (2)

Here is another bloggg......... Cant stop writing these days... LOL... ENJOY

This week's Heroes starts with Mohinder going on about how "in every journey, the traveler must ask, 'what's the right path taken?'" We get more of the same ol' themes of heroes vs. villains, choosing good over evil, etc. etc. My favorite part of this episode is when Parkman verbally high-fives his turtle.

If you know what I'm talking about and want to chat about it, read more.

It really was impossible to believe Hiro could have actually killed Ando, and here we find out what really happened: Hiro stops time, goes to a magic shop to grab a collapsing knife and fake blood, returns in time to explain the whole thing to Ando, and the two fake Ando's murder for Daphne and Knox. Hiro tells Daphne he's a villain like her. Daphne tells Hiro to find the "precog," Usutu.

Claire wants to find Meredith, and Sandra Bennet insists on coming with. "Your father always said, one of us, one of them. I'm the one of us." Eric Doyle's ability truly upsets me. The whole circus theme paired with the loss of free will . . . it makes me nauseous. Meredith says she'll never love him and he insists she will.

Adam Monroe is brought to Arthur Petrelli who clutches Adam, takes his power, and kills him. And now, Arthur is up and at 'em.

Parkman, carrying the caged turtle at the airport, asks the turtle to give him a sign. When he sees Daphne he says, "High-five, Turtle." Daphne tells Parkman a bit about Pinehearst, he in turn explains that they are soulmates.

Nathan and Tracy go to see Mohinder and Tracy shows him her icy power. Mohinder injects them both, talking about how he followed his father's research for years but never got anywhere until he thought for himself. Nathan and Tracy pass out. Later, strapped to a table, Tracy tries to earn Mohinder's trust: "I know what you're thinking. You didn't mean for this to happen. You try to fix it but everything you do just makes it worse." Mohinder responds to this and takes her hand, like a fool, and she freezes his arm. She frees herself and Nathan but then Mohinder throws a table at them.

Daphne goes to Sylar's cell and tells him that the man she works for likes Sylar the way he is. Aww. She gives him the Pinehearst card and hightails it. I can't decide whether of not to trust this new trying-to-be-different Sylar. His change of heart seems awfully abrupt this season. Clearly, Peter is having similar suspicions.

Ando and Hiro get to Africa and Hiro goes into Usutu's home, asking for "Mr. African Isaac." Usutu knocks Hiro on the head with a shovel. More than once. So, Hiro decides to do things "the old-fashioned way": hide and wait for him to come back. Usutu finally talks to Hiro and shows him a painting with "the villains you seek" and the Pinehearst helix symbol, and he tells Hiro he can take him to them. There is also a painting of Peter hugging his father.

Stupid Claire! Ugh. Even Sandra Bennet knows that they need a plan and can't go barging into Doyle's puppet lair. But Claire doesn't even listen, and then she and both her moms are under the control of the creepy puppet guy. I do, however, like that Doyle calls Claire "Barbie." He tries to make Claire kill Meredith but there's no bullet loaded in the gun. Ultimately, he gets the gun in Sandra's hand and she pulls the trigger on Claire, who obviously regenerates and knocks out puppet guy. HRG shows up and praises Claire's actions as "impressive." She just looks at him and walks away. HRG then turns to Meredith and says he could use her help.

Daphne goes to Mohinder, tells him that her company is already doing what he's trying to do: give people abilities. She says they need his help. "To do what?" She shrugs. "Save the world?" She comes upon Tracy, Nathan and all the nasty slime webs.

Sylar instructs Peter to look inside Angela's head to find out what's going on, and it kinda seems like Angela punches him with her eyeball, which I think is one of the more entertaining aspects of this episode. Peter draws the Pinehearst symbol. Then Peter beats the snot out of Sylar. "All this power? I'm the most special." He puts Sylar in a coma. He comes upon his father who coaxes Peter into an embrace — and then robs him of all his powers. Not so special now, eh Peter?

Aww, Daphne and Peter want to save each other from Pinehearst. Parkman insists he can protect her, but Daphne says simply, "No. you can't."

Heroes Rundown Chapter Six: "Dying of the Light"

Say what you want, but I think this episode continued the good streak established last week. It looks like, after a shaky start, the Heroes train is finally back on the track. All it took was some patience. That's a good sign for the rest of the season. Now if it could just get some of those lost viewers back. I hope NBC is factoring in downloads, DVR playbacks and streaming views online into their decisions regarding this show as I know it performs extremely well there.

Okay, I knew there was no way Hiro would really kill Ando like that, but it was cool seeing how he pulled off that trick. Maybe all the naysayers who say Hiro is stupid this year will rethink their stance. He proved himself pretty damned clever with this little maneuver and now he's officially "on staff" at Pinehearst. And even though Matt is back in the US, now Hiro will be heading to Africa to see Parkman's precog friend. That's good, because I like this new addition to the cast.

I like that Daphne is morally conflicted about what she's doing. And I'm even appreciating the layers of complexity added to Sylar's character and how he wants to stop being the monster that we'd all grown to know and love. It's just Peter being basically the same thing that I'm not so thrilled about. Actually, they almost seem to be reversing roles which is even more terrible.

I understand that the theme of this early part of the season appears to be our established characters questioning ... well pretty much everything about themselves. Parkman, however, seems particularly naive and earnest in his pursuit of Daphne. Actually, between Parkman, Peter and Suresh I guess I'm still not thrilled with a lot of the character direction here.

Credit where credit is due, the puppet master's theater is genuinely creepy, as are the extents of his powers. It's too bad Claire and her mom had absolutely no idea what they were getting into. I have to imagine this is a character that we'll see more of. You just know Pinehearst would love to get their hands on him.

Secret Identities

Thank god Matt put that turtle in a cart. Otherwise he'd have never made it back to America.

I actually kind of like the character of Claire's mother, even though she was kind of arbitrarily thrown into the series this season.

So there is a way to kill Adam. Does that mean Arthur now has his ability? Maybe stealing abilities runs in the family, it's just the method by which it is done that varies.

Time travel vs. precog = hilarious results.

During the gun game, even Claire showed a spark of intelligence, convincing her mom to "kill" her. Since puppet master has no idea about her abilities. See, they're not all stupid this year.

Still annoyed with what's going on with Suresh, and now he's got Nathan and Tracy. Hell, blow up the loft and just get rid of all of them. I can live without any of them at this point.

That's some seriously bad news at the end there with Arthur Petrelli stealing Peter's power. What he may not have realized, though, is that he's also taken the hunger Peter got from Sylar. If Peter was struggling to hold it in, how will Arthur handle it?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Heroes Rundown Chapter Five: "Angels and Monsters"

They love to keep it all in the family on Heroes these days, and this week's episode is no exception. This week we got some daddy-daughter issues, a little mother-son drama, and the appearance of yet another member of the Petrelli family (and a powerful one, at that). It's all about the fam, and in each family, there are "angels and monsters."

Also, I'm glad I wasn't taking a shot every time someone said "monster." Jeez, we get it. Anyway, wanna talk about Heroes? Well then, read more.

The episode starts out narrated by Nathan, which I think is an interesting choice: "I've been given a second chance. Touched by God, I gotta believe that he has a purpose for my life. . . So why am I filled with self-doubt, plagued by demons, real and imagined? . . . Am I an angel or a monster? A hero or a villain? And why can't I see the difference?" And there we have the theme for the night.

Linderman is super manipulative with all his talk about God, playing upon Nathan's recently renewed religious devotion: "God resides within, the answers will come." Sadly, it all kinda dissolves for Nathan when he finds out that God didn't exactly give him his powers — his mommy and her co-workers did.

Sometimes this show makes me laugh, like when Sylar readjusts his sickeningly broken neck. Peter, now all full of "the hunger" and rage, snaps Sylar's neck and then tries to open Angela's head before Sylar knocks him out.

Claire's birth mom, Meredith, sets off to find Claire who is on her mission. But at the end of the episode we see that Meredith is trapped in the puppet-filled house of one of the creepiest special people we've ever seen on the show: Eric Doyle, who controls her every movement. This power is so sinister and so upsetting to me.

Claire pays a visit to Stephen Canfield, a guy who creates vortexes that make people disappear. Claire is all sorts of accusatory at first, and Stephen is all suspicious, asking Claire if she's with a company called Pinehearst. Soon, Stephen explains to Claire that he didn't mean to kill a guy, and now his family won't see him, so, Claire tries to help him get in touch with his family. Just then, however, HRG and Sylar show up, Stephen freaks out and creates a vortex in the middle of the room before slipping out the door. After seeing a lot of pained expressions on Claire, HRG and Sylar's faces as they avoid getting sucked into the vortex, the vortex disappears.

At this other company (not to be confused with The Company), Pinehearst, Linderman instructs Daphne to recruit a few key special people, which Daphne does, but she ultimately tells Linderman she's not too keen on recruiting. He gives her one more to recruit: Matt Parkman. After this conversation, Daphne finds out that she can see Linderman but he's "not really there."

Hiro and Ando ask Adam Monroe for help. Adam calls Hiro a "Japanese Nazi." He brings the dynamic Japanese duo to a bar where he succeeds in getting Hiro knocked out and then makes a quick getaway — only to be kidnapped by Knox, the fear smeller. Hiro tells Knox and Daphne that he wants to join them, that he and Ando are "badasses." Knox doesn't think Ando's so necessary, however, and he hands Hiro a sword, saying, "You kill him? You are badass." Hiro says sadly that he "must make some sacrifices to save the world," and stabs Ando!

Mohinder's back makes me feel like vomiting, even while the rest of him is so wonderful to look at. When Maya discovers Mohinder's victims all covered up in slimy web-like crap and pinned to the wall (but not dead, apparently), she tries to help one of the people before Mohinder finds her and gives her a slime cocoon. It's so disgusting. How can someone so beautiful create something so gross? Anyway, at least now Maya's been silenced, so that should satisfy the Maya haters in the audience.

HRG assures Claire, "You can trust me, Claire, I wouldn't send anybody to Level Five that doesn't belong there." Sylar, however, cannot trust him as HRG tries to force Stephen to make Sylar disappear. Instead, Stephen screams, "I won't be a monster!" and makes himself disappear. After this, of course, Sylar is none too pleased with HRG, saying that "to you, I'm nothing but a monster. He doesn't see our humanity Claire, he never will." HRG comforts a confused Claire who murmurs, "He's a monster." Just in case we were ever unclear about this whole monster/angel, hero/villain theme.

Nathan and Tracy go to Level Five, where Peter has been put in a coma by Angela. Angela tells them about Dr. Zimmerman, who was "instrumental in the company's development of synthetic abilities. We used the technology on a number of infants. You were one of them Tracy, as were your sisters Niki and Barbara. And you, Nathan. We gave you your ability, too." She admits to Tracy that what the company did to her in the name of science is wrong and they need to stop the people trying to get the formula. Nathan and Tracy leave Angela and plan to find Mohinder, who is, at that moment, busy wrapping Maya in a cocoon of webby stuff in the corner.

Angela sees a man who frightens her, saying, "Hello, Angela. You can see the future. I can't have that. It's too dangerous." Angela insists that he won't succeed, she'll stop him. He replies, "Don't be ridiculous. You won't even be able to move." Last we see of her, Angela sits motionless at her desk.

Later at Pinehearst, Maury Parkman (Matt's dad), goes to see Arthur Petrelli who is laid up in bed, apparently unable to speak. Maury has a mental conversation with Arthur, and we hear Maury's side: "The team is coming together nicely. . . We're building an army, just like you. . . Right. Whatever you say goes, Mr. Petrelli."
Arthur freaking Petrelli?! They saved the best for last in this episode. What do you think of these new developments?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

In this week's episode of Heroes, we alternate between the present day and four years in the future, discovering what will apparently happen unless certain heroes take some action in the present day, stat. This version of the future is bizarre (especially Sylar's story!) and scary (cold-hearted gangster Claire). It will be interesting to see when/if/how it can be avoided. To chat about the goings-on in this week's episode, read more.

In this future, everyone has an ability, but that also means people are using their abilities for evil. Future Peter says he knows that "all these people with abilities are going to destroy the world" because he painted that future. He needs present-day Peter to stop Mohinder from giving people abilities, and he needs to get Sylar's abilities. Future Peter can't do it because he "made terrible choices. Stepped on too many butterflies."

Tracy learns that she was one of three identical triplets: Tracy, Niki and Barbara. The three were separated and Tracy was given a formula, Dr. Zimmerman says, "that would make you incredible." At Tracy's probing for more answers, Dr. Z says "they" would not like him talking so much. Later, Tracy resigns from her job and attempts to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge, only to have Nathan swoop in and save her. She's glad to meet a fellow special person and they make out.

Future Claire tries to gun down both Peters, only managing to fell Future Peter who she brings back to a lab place where we see the blond girl from Parkman's future paintings, the speedster, Daphne.

Present day Hiro and Ando are trapped on Level Two. I love this: There aren't a lot of quarrels on TV shows that include the lines, "You know what I think? I think you're still upset that future me murders future you."

Nathan says that Linderman is the problem. Linderman: "You don't trust me? I'm hurt!" Linderman wants to help Nathan become president, saying that "this is the path to salvation."

I think Maya is in a scene but I'm not sure because all I can see are boobs. That dress, seriously? Anyway, Mohinder's rash is spreading, and he's becoming more aggressive. "The formula is transforming me, and I fear what I'm becoming." He later says that he "cannot reverse the process." Four years into the future, Mohinder has become a cloaked, shadowy creature, warning Peter not to make his same mistakes

Also in this future? Daddy Sylar! Or, I guess, he's back to going by Gabriel. He has a little boy named Noah who clearly knows the future Peter and calls him "uncle." This is when present-day Peter discovers that he and Sylar are brothers. Sylar is reluctant to give Peter his ability, saying it's not just an ability, it's a hunger that he fights every day. . . "for him." Ultimately, though, Sylar says that if Peter can understand the "symphonies" of a watch, he can understand everything, and Peter acquires Sylar's ability.

In the future, Parkman and Daphne have a baby together and are raising Molly. Daphne wants to find Peter. Parkman tells his speedster wife to "slow down," but in the end Daphne joins slick, leather-wearing future Claire and the fear-reading guy to hunt down Peter.

Claire and her gang show up in Costa Verde, at the Bennets' old house where Sylar is living, and in the process of trying to kill, Peter they kill little Noah. Sylar flips out and causes a nuclear explosion. This apparently is tied into the title of this episode, which was taken from a quote by J. Robert Oppenheimer, "the father of the bomb:" "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Later in this future, we see Nathan and Tracy — now the President and First Lady — as Nathan gives a speech about the tragic loss of Costa Verde.

Then Nathan seeks out Peter, who is being tortured by his niece, Claire. Heroes is just one big messed up family. Claire hunts down her uncle (twice), then plans on torturing him. Peter and Sylar are bros which means Sylar and Nathan are bros and Sylar is Claire's uncle because Nathan is Claire's father. Sheesh. Nathan tells Peter that one man cannot save the world, it's everybody's responsibility. The two brothers argue some more before Peter's newly acquired hunger makes him try to slice open Nathan's head.

In the future, Parkman's wife Daphne apparently dies from the Costa Verde explosion and Parkman wants to stop this from happening. Usutu tells Parkman to find his "totem," a spirit guide to lead him on his journey. (Ha: "Carl Jung. Analytical psychology. You don't read much, do you?") Parkman decides on the turtle and starts to (slowly) follow it.

By now, Hiro and Ando have made up and the Haitian has brought them before Mama Petrelli. Angela says she needs to find the formula, which can turn normal people into "people like us." She says that "they" have both parts of the formula now. She says someone has been manipulating them. She tells Hiro, "You have the key to unlocking this entire mystery." Hiro: "I do?"

So, they dig up Adam Monroe. Who is, understandably, a little mad.

Who do you think is making a shocking appearance in next week's episode?