Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Heroes Rundown Chapter Six: "Dying of the Light"

Say what you want, but I think this episode continued the good streak established last week. It looks like, after a shaky start, the Heroes train is finally back on the track. All it took was some patience. That's a good sign for the rest of the season. Now if it could just get some of those lost viewers back. I hope NBC is factoring in downloads, DVR playbacks and streaming views online into their decisions regarding this show as I know it performs extremely well there.

Okay, I knew there was no way Hiro would really kill Ando like that, but it was cool seeing how he pulled off that trick. Maybe all the naysayers who say Hiro is stupid this year will rethink their stance. He proved himself pretty damned clever with this little maneuver and now he's officially "on staff" at Pinehearst. And even though Matt is back in the US, now Hiro will be heading to Africa to see Parkman's precog friend. That's good, because I like this new addition to the cast.

I like that Daphne is morally conflicted about what she's doing. And I'm even appreciating the layers of complexity added to Sylar's character and how he wants to stop being the monster that we'd all grown to know and love. It's just Peter being basically the same thing that I'm not so thrilled about. Actually, they almost seem to be reversing roles which is even more terrible.

I understand that the theme of this early part of the season appears to be our established characters questioning ... well pretty much everything about themselves. Parkman, however, seems particularly naive and earnest in his pursuit of Daphne. Actually, between Parkman, Peter and Suresh I guess I'm still not thrilled with a lot of the character direction here.

Credit where credit is due, the puppet master's theater is genuinely creepy, as are the extents of his powers. It's too bad Claire and her mom had absolutely no idea what they were getting into. I have to imagine this is a character that we'll see more of. You just know Pinehearst would love to get their hands on him.

Secret Identities

Thank god Matt put that turtle in a cart. Otherwise he'd have never made it back to America.

I actually kind of like the character of Claire's mother, even though she was kind of arbitrarily thrown into the series this season.

So there is a way to kill Adam. Does that mean Arthur now has his ability? Maybe stealing abilities runs in the family, it's just the method by which it is done that varies.

Time travel vs. precog = hilarious results.

During the gun game, even Claire showed a spark of intelligence, convincing her mom to "kill" her. Since puppet master has no idea about her abilities. See, they're not all stupid this year.

Still annoyed with what's going on with Suresh, and now he's got Nathan and Tracy. Hell, blow up the loft and just get rid of all of them. I can live without any of them at this point.

That's some seriously bad news at the end there with Arthur Petrelli stealing Peter's power. What he may not have realized, though, is that he's also taken the hunger Peter got from Sylar. If Peter was struggling to hold it in, how will Arthur handle it?